ACKNOWLEDGING HARDWORK … Mayor Huner stated how appreciative she was of the hard work that the departments put into their comprehensive reports. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The May 1, 2023 Wauseon City Council meeting began at 5 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence.
Roll call was then taken, and present were Councilors Shane Chamberlin, Steve Schneider, Harold Stickley, Brandon Tijerina, President Scott Stiriz, and absent was Councilor Sarah Heising.
Also present were Director of Law Thomas McWatters, Director of Finance Jamie Giguere, Director of Public Service Keith Torbet, Police Chief Kevin Chittenden, Fire Chief Phil Kessler, and Mayor Kathy Huner.
After the minutes of the April 17, 2023 meeting were approved, council heard the department reports.
Chief Kessler related that the Wauseon Fire Department has just completed active shooter drill training at Four County, as well as their interest in converting a current part-time employee into a full-time employee to help compensate for their two currently open positions.
Chief Chittenden reported that 40 pounds of unused prescription drugs were given to the DEA to be incinerated after the recent collection.
Mayor Huner thanked the chiefs for their reports, noting that it was especially nice to see the statistics on prescription drug destruction.
Council Chamberlin inquired into whether an end-of-year report could be constructed for departmental productivity monitoring purposes and was met with assurance that it would be delivered.
Director Torbet related how North Park is almost finished, and as soon as weather cooperates, they hope to see painting finished and benches installed.
The pool is also starting to be spruced up for spring, but the weather seems to be wanting to conflict with council’s plans to have painting start early this week. The current plan is to have the pool opened by the Friday before Memorial Day.
Wauseon City is planning to annex the road by Enterprise in order to include it in routine maintenance, and is also looking into repairing the oldest statue in Fulton County, which will run the county about $13,000.
Council has yet to decide how many pickleball courts they are wanting to install into what will soon be a comprehensive city pickleball complex. The recently installed disc-golf course has seen a lot of use.
Financial reports were finished early that morning, with the bills of April being accepted as presented. There has been a 45% increase in tax revenue due to corporate gains.
The Tree Commission met on April 20, 2023, and discussed the upcoming 2023 Northwest Ohio Tree City USA Awards Celebration, which will be hosted in Wauseon this year.
The banquet runs from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on May 9, 2023. To RSVP, please mail your $35 per person check to City of Wauseon, Attn: Korin Miller, at 230 Clinton Street in Wauseon, or call (419) 335-5041 ext. 1002 to pay by credit card.
This year’s guest speaker will be Nate Andre, a Dover Township resident who has helped shape the way Americans farm today. The event will be hosted at Crossroads Evangelical Church.
Over 130 trees have been marked for the event. The Tree Commission is meeting again later this week to prepare.
Council then accepted a recommendation that a memorial be placed in the pool in honor of Karson Torbet before detailing the new booklets made to publicize the Tree City Banquet.
Council remarked that they have gotten reports that people are happy to see things getting done, and that they’re glad that everything is going back to normal after the pandemic before adjourning at 6:45 p.m.
Anna can be reached at: