(PRESS RELEASE) – You are invited to a free Manure Workshop and lunch hosted and sponsored by Williams and Fulton Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD).
The meeting will be held Tuesday, January 30, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Kissell Community Building, 509 North Main Street in West Unity, Ohio.
The morning will start with a farmer panel and open discussion. Farmers from various backgrounds will share their operation, application methods, and the pros and cons of applying manure along with funding resources.
Jeff Duling, Duling Family Farms, from Ottawa will cover soil health, yield impacts, cover crops, his general operation, and past accomplishments and learning experiences.
After a delicious lunch from Susie’s Catering, the event continues with representatives from Innovative Ag sharing chicken litter acquisition and its benefits to soil and crops.
Justin McBride, Ohio Department of Agriculture, will be speaking about on-farm manure handling, storage, spill prevention, and funding for storage.
Bill Beckman, H2Ohio Program Representative, is going to cover the general program guidelines and how manure is tied into the H2Ohio Program.
This Program is a data-driven water quality plan to reduce harmful algal blooms, improve wastewater infrastructure, and prevent lead contamination.
Jason Tyrell, Ohio Department of Agriculture, will review rules, regulations, and processes and the future of manure application will be discussed.
Luke Dull, Division of Livestock Environmental Permitting will explain the livestock permitting process and facilities.
Williams and Fulton SWCDs will share grant opportunities and current county updates. The Natural Resources Conservation Service will also give updates on Federal programs.
This event is being sponsored by both the Fulton and Williams SWCDs. For more information contact Manuel Lay at 419-636-9395.
Reservations are requested by calling the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 by Thursday, January 25. The Williams SWCD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.