NEW SPRING SPORTS Stryker School Board President Jason Leupp listens to Athletic Director Kent Holsopple as he announces the addition of Junior High baseball and softball to the schools offered spring sports
By: Jenna Frisby
Stryker’s Board of Education held their monthly meeting on Monday, May 20th, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. Present at the meeting were Dean of Students Beth Morr, Principal Dave Schultz, Treasurer Jill Peters, Superintendent Nate Johnson, and board members Sharon VonSeggern, Vice President Brent Froelich, President Jason Leupp, Dan Hughes, and Emily Clemens, as well as Stryker School’s Athletic Director Kent Holsopple.
The meeting began with roll call followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The board then approved the meeting agenda for their May 20th, 2024 meeting.
VonSeggern motioned for its approval, Froelich seconded, and the rest were in agreement. Treasurer, Jill Peters then recommended board approval for the April 17th, 2024 meeting. Clemens made the motion with Leupp seconding and the rest of the board agreed.
Treasurer Jill Peters then presented the financial report for April 2024. Following she recommended the board approve three items: the updated five-year forecast as presented, to establish the Class of 2028 fund, the Amended Certificate of Established Resources and Amendment to the Appropriations as presented. Hughes made the motion with Froelich seconding and the rest of the board was in agreement.
Morr then gave an updated report to the superintendent. The school’s recent Field Day, held on May 10th, was a success and thanks were given to Mr. Keween and the Student Council members. Also, May 10th was Family Fun Night, and despite the conflict in schedule with other events in the area the school had a great turnout of 326 individuals who participated.
Morr went on to mention the elementary’s recent Safety Ag Day which was held on May 15th. She noted that the full day event had a great turn out.
They had around 15 vendors who participated throughout the day making the entire event a success. She also noted the hard work that Matt and Hannah Arnos had put into the event as the school’s FFA and Vo-Ag teacher and aide.
Because of their hard work the event was not only a success, but the school was able to hand out shirts to all the participants at the event, making it a truly memorable experience.
Morr then wrapped up her report announcing that Preschool Graduation was taking place later that evening at 5:30 p.m. Awards Day for K-6 was the next day, May 21st starting @ 9 a.m. And, the last student day was Tuesday, May 22nd with an early release of 1:05 p.m.
Schultz then gave his report to the Superintendent. He informed the board that the high school had 4 Four County Career Center (FCCC) students that would be participating in FCCC’s Senior Recognition and Passport Day on May 21st. May 22nd would also be the last student day for the high school with an early release at 1:05 p.m., with Teacher Workday to follow on May 23rd. He also noted that the band students would be playing for the Memorial Day Parade on May 27th.
Superintendent Johnson then moved on his recommendations to the board. Johnson presented that the board approve employment contracts and adjustments for all certified and classified personnel, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, as presented.
Those being teachers: Brianna Gerken, Branden Bumb, Tycen Towns, and Bailey Short all for the duration of 1 year; School Nurse, Andria Shipman, as needed; Substitutes: Joe Beck, Transportation; and Marsha Fisher, School Nurse.
Johnson then moved on to recommend board approval on the supplemental contracts/volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon viable season starts and school related openings/closings, and participation levels, as presented.
Those being: Colton Benson— JV boys basketball coach, Jeffrey Pace— Jr. High football assistant, Barb Figgins—7th grade girls basketball coach, Joe Beck— 8th grade girls basketball coach, Brianna Gerken—Jr. High basketball and football cheerleader coach, Emily Rodriguez— elementary quiz advisor, and Tim Morr— volunteer, HS golf assistant.

At this time Stryker schools have open positions for the 2024-2025 school year for a 5th grade science/biology teacher as well as a position for a Psychology teacher. As far as for recreational positions the school has a position open for an assistant golf coach and a junior high football assistant coach.
Lastly, Johnson recommended the board approve for the resignation of Megan Lirot, teacher effective the end of the 2023-2024 contract school year. Motion was then made by Clemens, seconded by VonSeggern with the rest of the board agreeing.
Johnson then moved on to recommend the board approve the 2024-2025 Speech Services Contract between Stryker Local School District and Bryan City Schools, as presented.
Currently the speech services person is shared between both school districts. Johnson also recommended the board accept the Beilharz Architects recommendation of Mel Panzer Co., Napoleon, for the Ag. Tech. Building and Courtyard Infill project, as presented. As well as for the approval of the Lease Purchase Agreement for the Ag. Tech. building and Courtyard Infill project, as presented.
The Ag. Tech building portion of the project is expected to be completed by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
That portion of the project requires three walls to be built being tied into the existing high school. The Courtyard Infill portion of the project is expected to take a bit longer being anticipated to be fully functional and usable by the fall of 2025.

With board approval the project is a go and work can be started as soon as the day after Memorial Day. Hughes motioned for the approval, Leupp seconded, and the rest of the board was in agreement.
Superintendent Johnson then welcomed Athletic Director Kent Holsopple to speak to the board about some exciting news for next school year.
According to Holsopple the school has asked upcoming junior high students about their interest in baseball and softball, and because of the high interest from students the junior high will be adding the spring sports of baseball and softball for the students, per approval by the board.
Holsopple stated that he would work directly with the athletic boosters to get things going so that they would have uniforms and gear in time.
He also mentioned that they would need to start looking for coaches to have for both sports for the season. Holsopple also mentioned that with both sports programs they would anticipate having between 5-10 games for their first season which would be a very reasonable number for their first year.
He also mentioned that they would have to work with Springfield Park for use of their fields that they have available as the high school field was not adequate in terms of size for junior high.

He also noted that Springfield Park just held their board meeting on Friday, May 17th, where they approved the use of their fields by the school.
The board discussed that they thought this would be a great program for the students and something they looked forward to.
The board then entered into executive session at 4:46 p.m. with no action anticipated to take place.
The next Stryker Board of Education meeting will be June 24th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Study Hall Conference Room of the high school.