GETTING TO KNOW YOU … Members of the Swanton business community gather for caffeine and networking at the Swanton Area Chamber of Commerce’s “Coffee and Conversations” event at CK Sweets Friday morning.
By: Jesse Davis
CK Sweets Coffee and Bakeshop was abuzz Friday morning as members of the local business community came together for the Swanton Area Chamber of Commerce’s recurring “Coffee and Conversations.”
Chamber Executive Director Delray Busch launched the networking event in February of last year, shortly after taking over leadership of the organization. It is held monthly, with breaks in June, July, and December for busy summer months and the holiday season.
“They actually started because I was doing an introductory event, so I wanted everyone to meet me and all that stuff after [Swanton Mayor] Neil [Toeppe] did such a great job for 20 years.”
“So, I did the first one for that reason and I found that people really liked it, so I was like ‘Let me try another one.’ And now they’re a monthly event. We generally have a pretty great attendance,” Busch said.
Friday’s event drew representatives from more than a dozen businesses, including Softlink Solutions, The Konection, Doodle Bean Coffee, KH Photography, Tri County Block & Brick Inc., DeEtte’s Dream Diner, Acme NLS, Equity Planning Group, the Swanton Area Community Coalition, the Swanton Public Library, Tano’s Pizza, and Level Fitness to CK Sweets in downtown Swanton. Busch said the coffee and bakeshop has been the host since she launched the program.
“I am a coffee obsessed person, so I was a great customer beforehand, and then especially after we sold our building this kind of became my hub for work.”

“So, when people have meetings and stuff like that – if they want to eat we go to one of the restaurants, but if they just want to grab a cup of coffee, we come here,” she said.
Busch said each event tends to draw a different group of people and alternates between networking and presentations.
Recent presentations have included how to use AI as a small business owner and information on tax deductions as well as presentations by representatives from the Lucas County Port Authority and Toeppe.
“It’s a great opportunity for our business owners to kind of stay up to date on what’s going on and network with each other so that they partner together and utilize each other’s business,” Busch said.
She said it has already led to several collaborations between local businesses, including a coffee and flowers promotion for Valentine’s Day between the coffee shop and the Anything Grows flower shop.
Someone also posted online asking if there was a local IT company, and two people recommended Softlink Solutions after having met a representative at a past event.
The next Coffee and Conversations event is scheduled for Friday, March 21 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at CK Sweets.
For more information on the chamber and its upcoming events, visit their Facebook page or their website at www.SwantonOhioChamber.com.