By Lucinda Held-Faulhaber – THE VILLAGE REPORTER
As part of their ongoing outreach ministry, Edon Area Ministerial Association once more assisted residents in the Edon Northwest Local School District with food baskets, clothing and children’s toys during the Christmas Season.
Over the past several weeks, Edon, Blakeslee, Nettle Lake and Cooney pastors and congregations have donated sweatshirts, school supplies, mittens, board games, teddy bears, money for food basket purchases (through Northwest Ohio Food Bank at reduced costs), etc. all needed to help brighten the holidays of forty area families. The local community also generously supported EAMA through food and clothing donations, The Angel Tree Project at Edon State Bank and Edon Public Library, Edon High School’s Student Council Mitten Tree; additional assistance was received from Mix 98.1~ “Christmas For Kids” and “Neighbors in Need” programs and Wal*Mart (eggs) as well.
The Edon Area Ministerial Association, as the hands and feet of Jesus, reaches out to the surrounding community through a variety of ministries, including a food pantry, on-call pastoral care through the Edon Police Department and financial assistance (utilities, fuel, temporary housing and prescription drugs.) They also host community worship services throughout the year ~ Prayer for Christian Unity, Spring Worship, Thanksgiving, Edon Days ~ along with a weekly Bible Study at the Edon Senior Center.
If you are interested in helping with any of their ministries or are in need of assistance, feel free to contact one of the following EAMA congregations: Columbia Church of Christ, Edon Church of Christ, Edon United Methodist Church, Mount Union Christian Union Church, Nettle Lake United Brethren in Christ Church, St. Joseph Catholic Church and St. Peter Lutheran Church.
Lucinda Held-Faulhaber may be reached at