WHOSE FOOTPRINTS Scouts Connor Myers 15 left Kaiden Wilson right back 14 and Carter Lockwood right front 12 play a wild animal track identification game during the Scouts BSA Chinquapin District 2024 Spring Camporee at Harrison Lake State Park on Saturday
By: Jesse Davis
Harrison Lake State Park was abuzz with activity on May 4 and May 5 when youths with Scouts BSA from throughout northwest Ohio descended on the park for the Chinquapin District 2024 Spring Camporee.
Roughly 75 scouts from seven troops participated in the annual event. The theme for the event was “Walk on the Wild Side,” a phrase emblazoned on patches for scouts who took part.
According to event chair and health officer Sandy Wood, the annual event is usually held in May and offers scouts a variety of experiences.
Following the nature theme of this year’s event, participants learned about trees, plants, animal tracks, orienteering, and how to catch and release them safely while fishing.
Wood, a 43-year-veteran of the organization said seven troops participated in the event, with an additional two troops registered but unable to attend. The roughly 75 scouts who took part marked a notable increase over the average of 40 to 50.
“It’s a new experience because it’s at a state park as opposed to at a camp,” Wood said. “So, they get to interact with the campers here who are just here, which is a good thing. It lets people see what scouting is about and they get to see the kids doing their thing, which makes a big difference too.”
The camporee also marked the first use of the park’s new group campsite. “This is the inaugural use of it,” Park Manager Don Gurzynski said. “This is new to the park, and we did it to bring in groups like the Scouts and other groups, and it’s just fantastic to see scouts back here at the park again.”
Don and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources offered Scouts BSA the opportunity to use the facilities in order to promote the campsite.
The Black Swamp Area Council of Scouts BSA was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Findlay. It is made up of the Chinquapin, Old Sycamore, Grea Oaks, and Arrowwood districts. The Chinquapin District includes Fulton, Henry, Williams, Defiance, and Paulding counties.
For more information on the council, visit blackswampbsa.org.