NHS RECOGNITION High School Principal Royal Short recognized the newest NHS inductees at the October 16 Archbold Board of Education meeting
By: Amy Wendt
The Archbold School Board met for its regular meeting on Monday, October 16, 2023. Members Jeremy Hurst, Karen Beck, Gina Dominique, and Tyson Stuckey were in attendance while Board Member Skeet Hug was absent.
Also present were Superintendent Jayson Selgo, District Treasurer Joyce Kinsman, Elementary Principal Andrea Thiel, Middle School Principal Matt Shields, and High School Principal Royal Short.
Curriculum Director Michelle Bargrowski presented to the Board a slideshow breaking down the annual School Report Card rating the district received from the State of Ohio.
Archbold Area Schools received a “3.5” which is equivalent to a “Meets State Standards” rating. The overall number is comprised of components including Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Graduation, and Early Literacy.
Report Cards offer performance information for parents, communities, educators, and policymakers by highlighting successes and areas for improvement.
Elementary Principal Andrea Thiel’s report recognized Students of the Month who demonstrated September’s character trait “Courage.”
Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio has been presenting an ongoing program to the third and fourth-grade students called “Too Good For Drugs.” Second graders will take their turn to participate in the spring.
The AES playground has a new addition called the Sensory Path created by Mrs. Mary Gingerich, Mrs. Laura Kennedy, and AES volunteers which has been well received by students.
The elementary school will see several celebrations in the upcoming days including Pioneer Day at Sauder Village for the second graders.
First through fourth grades will have their annual class Halloween parties and a costume parade on Tuesday, October 31. The kindergarten students, on the other hand, will be visiting T22 Farms for their annual Fall Festival.
Upcoming AES Events: October 26 – Picture Retakes; October 28 – Third-grade State ELA Test; October 30 – Title 1 Parent Meeting; November 16 – Report Cards Distributed; November 16 – November 21 – Parent/Teacher Conferences
Principal Shields from the middle school shared a change in the AMS Mindset Leaders program noting that this year, peer & teacher nominations will be used to determine each month’s honorees and he recognized those who received the award for the month of September.
On October 6 over 150 grandparents were hosted by 77 5th graders for the annual Grandparents’ Day celebration where Donna Wipfli shared a musical performance with guests.
In a show of support for fall sports, the middle school recently took part in Fall Spirit Week led by AMS Cheerleaders, the Student Council, and the Band.

Shields shared that representatives from the Ability Center of Northwest Ohio conducted their 30-day site visit as a part of their standard training process, in which they observed AMS facility dog, Knox, in his new working environment. Knox received a positive review of his performance.
Student Council members elected in the AMS for the 2023-2024 school year include: 8th grade – Klaire Kern, Emersyn Selgo, Raimy Baez, Anderson Bentley, & Maddox Pinter; 7th – Ginger Ruffer, Demi Short, Tyson Bosco, & Layne Miller; 6th – Adelle Bentley, Aubree Plassman, Alex Baden, & Zayde Guelde; and 5th – Hollyce Baun, Emagene Gracia, Carson Baden, Wyatt Stuckey.
In the high school Report, Principal Royal Short recognized the following newly inducted members of the National Honor Society: Kirsten Delong, Aniyah Copeland, Madden Valentine, Julisa Nafziger, Hannah Downing, Tessa Nafziger, Briena Partin, Grace Meyer, Raegan Rutledge, Breah Ruger, Joshua Reeb, Alanna Pedraza, Elliot Emmons, Elizabeth Francis, Jayden Gensler, Kurt Krueger, Tess Ames, Mackenzie Brennan, Keely Culler, and Izabella Chapa.
The robotics class toured Wieland Chase Brass to see examples of how robotics are used in the manufacturer’s production operation.
On the same day, the class traveled to the Fulton County Health Center to learn how robotic technology is used in orthopedic surgeries.
The Ag department will be competing in contests for interviewing, Parliamentary Procedure, soil judging, and dairy judging over the next few weeks. Members of the FFA will also have the opportunity to attend the National FFA convention in Indianapolis.

The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) recently volunteered at Habitat for Humanity where they painted and assembled playground equipment for families in need in the local area.
Upcoming AHS Events: Oct. 20 – End of Quarter; Oct. 22 – Dinner Theater; Oct. 27 – Sophomore Class Presentation on FCCC; Nov. 1-3 – FFA Convention; November 8 – Blood Drive at AHS; November 11 and 12 – Fall Play; November 14 – Senior Class Meeting; November – 16, 20, & 21 Parent /Teacher Conferences
Superintendent Jayson Selgo congratulated the boys golf team on their 8th-place finish at the OHSAA State Tournament.
A note of thanks was also extended to the businesses and individuals who sponsored student admission to sporting events this fall.
Selgo also shared that teachers will be taking part in professional development on topics including working with disadvantaged youth and families, current trends in substance abuse, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Following reports from the administration, the board approved the consensus agenda which included September 18, 2023 meeting minutes, September financial reports, various appropriation modifications, and estimated resource changes.

Also approved was tuition reimbursement for teachers continuing their education according to their negotiated contract agreement.
The district received donations from various businesses and individuals totaling $6,559.81 which also received Board approval.
The Board approved the assignment of the USDA Foods Member agreement with the Southwestern Ohio Educational Purchasing Council and also passed a resolution for a transportation agreement.
In Personnel Items, the Board approved the following:
-Paraprofessional substitute list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
-One-year contracts for Classified Substitutes for the 2023-2024 school year.

-One-year supplemental contracts for various coaching staff members.
-Supplemental volunteers for the 2023-2024 school year.
-One-year contract for a playground aide for the 2023-2024 school year effective August 23, 2023, pending all requirements and certifications are successfully met.
-Salary schedule placement for certified employees who have taken additional courses.
-Approved the substitute teacher list provided by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
The Archbold Board of Education will reconvene on November 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the High School Media Center.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com