2023 BUDGET … Councilor Chad Kern had a few questions for Village Administrator Donna Dettling about appropriations proposed for the 2023 fiscal year.
By: Amy Wendt
In the regular meeting held on Monday, December 5, 2022, Archbold Village Council approved Ordinance 2022-72 to make appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the Village of Archbold during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 and declared an emergency after a suspension of the rules.
Donna Dettling, Village Administrator, explained to council, “Now, I did some calculations. They’re big numbers, the expenses…the $21,471,780 is a big number.”
“Thirty percent of that is personnel wages and benefits. Twenty-six percent of that is just to operate and maintain; no capital and no debt.”
“Another thirty-four percent is capital…when I look at that and see we are spending more money for capital…that’s a good thing.”
She added, “another 10% includes the $900,000 and some in sewer fund to pay off debt.”
Dettling elaborated, “one thing we talked about is the possibility of paying off the wastewater fund bond debt and (Director of Finance) Kathy and I decided we’d go ahead and appropriate it so we wouldn’t have to do a budget amendment.
“It’s a big number, $945,000. That’s one of the big changes that you are going to see from what finance committee approved.”
Dettling clarified to council, “still deciding on the right thing to do. We’re 60/40 right now leaning 60 toward paying it off, 40 percent toward not.”
“The rate right now is 2.3 percent on it. I wanted to include it to give us the flexibility to do it if it indeed it made sense.”
Also approved during the meeting:
- Council Minutes of November 21, 2022;
- Bills & Payroll in the amount of $461,099.69 and November 2022 Financial Reports;
- Ordinance 2022-71 Providing for Reimbursement of the Cost of Operation of General Fund Including Mayor/Administration, Council, Finance, State Audit, and Legal Service Accounts and Declaring an Emergency after a suspension of the rules.
The following committee and board minutes, reports and correspondence were also reviewed by the council:
- Finance Committee 11-21-2022;
- Income Tax Receipts November 2022;
- Police Department Calls for Service November 2022;
- Fire & EMS Call Response November 2022;
- Street Department Labor & Fleet Report November 2022;
- Archbold Area Chamber of Commerce Thank You Letter 12-1-2022.
Prior to adjourning, Dettling informed council that she wanted to follow-up on a topic that was brought to council’s attention during their previous regular meeting on November 21.
An email was received from a concerned citizen regarding the blocking of the Wilson Street and South Defiance Street intersection due to a signal timing change at the Lafayette/Barr and South Defiance St. intersection causing significant backup on Wilson during certain hours of the day.
The resident asked that a “do not block intersection” sign be placed in the area.
Dettling noted, “regardless of whether there is a sign there, we do have what’s called an ‘obstructing passage of vehicles’ ordinance.”
Dettling advised that the police department have been made aware of the issue and they will be watching the area and warning those who block the intersection.
Dettling continued, “for now, we are not going to put up a sign. We are only seeing some of this backup during really busy times.”
“What I have heard from you all, the safety outweighs the little bit of inconvenience on the public.”
“So, we are happy with how that light is functioning and what it’s doing to improve safety.”
The next regular council meeting will be held on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
Amy can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com