WELCOME The villages new Zoning Inspector Grant Schaffner was formally introduced to council
By: Amy Wendt
Archbold Village Council met for a regular meeting on August 21, 2023, with all council members present except for Vaughn Bentz.
As the first order of business, Council approved minutes from the August 7 meeting and bills and payroll in the amount of $385,707.72
The village’s new Zoning Inspector, Grant Schaffner, was formally introduced to council by Assistant Village Administrator Aaron Alt.
“I’m just real excited that Grant is joining. I think he’s going to make an excellent addition to the zoning staff and I’m just grateful that he wanted to stick around with the Village of Archbold and we were able to retain him. That was the most important thing.”
Schaffner, formerly an officer with the Archbold Police Department will be starting his new position on August 28.
In other business, Resolution 2023-36 Approving the Wilson Lawn Care & Excavating LLC Agreement for Comprehensive Grounds Maintenance and Burial Services for the Archbold Cemetery for four years was passed by Council.
Approval was also given by council for Trick or Treat to be held on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Council reviewed minutes from the Street Committee meeting held on August 7th, and the August 7th Building and Grounds Committee minutes.
Councilor Chad Kern, who serves on the Park Board gave a brief update from its meeting on August 10, 2023.
He noted that Steve Mignin, Parks Superintendent, and Chadd Speiser, Athletic Field Maintenance Supervisor were both on hand at the Park Board meeting to provide a rundown of replacements and improvements that would need to be made within the park system in the next two to three years.
Kern noted that the Board valued their input and will continue to invite Mignin and/or Speiser to attend future meetings to offer their insight.
Kern also noted that the shelters, landscaping, and Scout Cabin at Ruihley Park are currently undergoing improvements.
Kern added that there are no new updates on the splash pad and indicated that Parks and Rec Director Jen Kidder is waiting to hear back from the company that has been hired to complete the project.
Alt spoke about the Planning Commission meeting held on August 14, 2023.
“You’ll have coming before you a recommendation from the Planning Commission to rezone 100 Woodland Drive to R-3 Medium Density Residential from B-2 Highway and Commercial for apartment development – eight duplexes, 16 units total.”
Before closing the public portion of the meeting Mayor Brad Grime noted that a lot of improvements are taking place in the south part of the village including the Fish Pantry, Lugbill Supply Center, and the former bowling alley building.
Council then went into executive session pursuant to ORC 121.22(G)(2) Property with no anticipated action to be taken.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com