FUNDRAISER … The Blakeslee Knights of Columbus Council #3883 hosted a fundraising brunch at St. Mary Church on Sunday, March 9, in support of St. Mary’s School in Edgerton. Pictured is Grand Knight Jim Wuebben presenting a check to Principal Julie Taylor in the amount of $2,725. Additional funds from a 50/50 raffle and other generous donations brought the total raised to $3,000. A special thank-you goes to Jeff Bowling, Joe Radabaugh, and Mike Gobel of Edon, along with all the Brother Knights (including those from Council #1494) whose hard work and dedication made this event a success. Pictured are Julie Taylor, Daize Laney, Kinze Riblet, Jim Wuebben, Daxten Laney, and Kaeda Riblet.