STUDENT ORCHESTRA This months student spotlight was the Bryan City Schools Student Orchestra which was represented by the following members pictured here left to right Kate Moss Mya Pavver Director Mr Simul Nye Bradbee Christian Craig and in the back Ryan Spiess
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan City Board of Education met on Monday, February 12, 2024 at 6 p.m. Present were members Scott Benedict, Deb Opdyke, Caleb Turnbull, Ben Camarillo, and Dustin Schlachter alongside Superintendent Mark Rairigh and Treasurer Kevin Schafer.
After the approval of the agenda and the minutes from their January 15th and 22nd meetings, they shed the student spotlight on the very talented student orchestra.
They have earned superior ratings for five solos, and their next concert will be on February 24th at the United Wesley Methodist Church.
There has been a ton of extracurricular activities, with over 30 5th graders, 45 6-8th grade members, and 30 high school members.
The honors music programs were lauded by the students, with them sharing how much it means to them to be able to connect with others that love music the same way and are on similar levels.
Postseason play is going on, with swimming, diving, and bowling competing this week. Team statistics were shared, and senior night is being looked forward to.
The girls basketball team are hosting sectional competitions for the first time, and everyone involved with the upkeep of the gym for the players were thanked, with people being encouraged to shout out a thank you at the hardworking custodians.
Bryan Elementary’s Special Olympics bowling has been the highlight of the special education student’s weeks, and 4H will be starting soon.
Right to Read Week was detailed, with a family fun night and the 5th grade concert planned for the week before.
Grandparents’ Day will be the week before spring break, as will the book fair. The school art show is coming up in April, and there will be no school on February 20th for a professional development day, with the end of the second trimester coming up on the 22nd.
Grade cards for students are being transitioned to an electronic file, and dyslexia screening has been completed.
The kindergarten classes were excited to see Spangler’s Candy World, and the 5th Grade Ambassador program has been reinstated.
State test preparation is being tackled and is what the school staff will be focusing on for the near future.
The high school had a good guidance night and college credit plus program. The students approved for early graduation were congratulated, and the sports teams were congratulated on their recent accomplishments.
The All-County Band and Choir program was well represented, and this week is Family Career and Community Leaders in America Week, or FCCLA week, and the students are excited for spirit week.
The assistant superintendent shared that diagnostic testing has been taking place, leading up to incoming state testing.
CEO Day is coming up, and any companies wanting to participate are urged to contact the board office. Six gifted students participated in a local art project, and Mrs. Luce’s classes are getting ready to present their research findings while juniors prepare for the ACT.
Board member Camarillo shared news of the donation of a vehicle to the automotive program, and computers for the IT and cyber security senior projects, and many students were given the opportunity to hear from local leaders on job opportunities and insights.
National Career and Technical Education Month will be observed for the duration of February, and their social media will be highlighting it throughout the month.
Board member Scott Benedict shared news that his last day as a board member will be February 29th due to his place of residency changing from Bryan.
He will continue to support Bryan through his business and volunteer opportunities and is thankful for the accomplishments he’s been a part of the last six years, two of which were served as board president.
Board President Opdycke thanked him for his service, as well as his continued volunteer efforts. The open seat should be filled at the March 13th board meeting, and interested candidates are to submit a letter of interest either in person, mail, or email to Treasurer Kevin Schafer.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented, as were the annual rates for the 2024 payable 2025 tax year, with a reappraisal expected later.
Annual membership and association dues were approved as presented, and donations were accepted from the Bryan Area Foundation and the Toledo Symphony Orchestra.
All superintendent recommendations were approved as presented, including a bilingual special education screening on a student-by-student basis, and all employment recommendations made by the superintendent were approved as presented.
The board then adjourned at 6:55 p.m. ready to meet next on March 13, 2024.