MEETING ATTENDANCE Director of Utilities Derek Schultz Operations Manager Jimmy Dunning and Deputy Clerk Treasurer Patricia Buda were present at the January 16 2024 Bryan Board of Public Affairs meeting along with three of the four 2024 board members
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan Board of Public Affairs met briefly on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 5 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting.
Present were board vice chair Annette Schreiner, and members Dick Long and Jim Salsbury, alongside BMU Director of Utilities Derek Schultz, Deputy Clerk Treasurer Patricia Buda, and Operations Manager Jimmy Dunning.
After roll call, the board approved the minutes from their December 29, 2024 special meeting as amended before moving on to accept Buda’s financial report as given.
A resolution then approved the partnership of BMU with the Williams County Commissioners for the South Lynn St. Waterline Replacement Project, and the bills were approved as presented.
Long shared that 7-9 a.m. will be especially cold, meaning that it is expected that these hours will see a high demand for electricity as heating systems work harder and harder to maintain temperatures as the cold blast affects the nation.
He asked that residents lower their thermostats as much as possible and unplug any nonessential appliances.
The board then continued to thank everyone for their hard work keeping the utilities running, especially with regards to the heightened discomfort and difficulties faced with the plummeted temperatures.
The board then voted to enter a quick recess at 5:07 p.m. before entering an executive session.
The executive session yielded no action, and the Bryan BPA is set to meet next February 6, 2024.