OATH OF OFFICE Bryan City Schools CFO Kevin Schafer administering the oath of office to newly appointed board member Dustin Schlachter at Mondays meeting
By: Anna Wozniak
The Bryan City Board of Education met for their 2024 organizational meeting at 7 p.m., with members Scott Benedict, Ben Camarillo, Debra Opdycke, and Caleb Turnbull present.
Debra Opdycke was then elected as president of the board, with Caleb Turnbull as vice president. The board then authorized the following meeting dates for the upcoming year: February 12, 6 p.m.; March 11, 6 p.m.; April 8, 6 p.m.; May 13, 6 p.m.; June 10, 6 p.m.; July 8, 8 a.m. in the conference room; August 19, 6 p.m.; September 16, 6 p.m.; October 14, 6 p.m.; November 14, 6 p.m.; November 4, 6 p.m.; and December 9, 6 p.m.
Board committee assignments were then approved as presented, as were the annual board service fund and 2024 standing authorizations, which give specific responsibilities to specific roles.
It was then that the Bryan City Board of Education entered into their first regular session of 2024. Recognition was then given for OSBA by Marty Rothey, and January was recognized as School Board Recognition Month.
The treasurer’s recommendations and report were accepted as presented, which included the following donations: Grace Cares Ministry – $1,500.00 for negative lunch balances at Bryan City Schools, Spangler Candy Employees – $643.00 for negative lunch balances at Bryan City Schools, Newlyn Quest – $250 for MS Student Council, Bryan Athletic Boosters – $200,000 for Capital Improvement Project.
The superintendent’s recommendations were then approved as presented, which included the 8th grade overnight trip to Chicago May 16-17, 2024 and personnel recommendations.
The Bryan City Board of Education is set to meet next February 12, 2024, at 6 p.m. in the elementary school commons.