Williams County – The Ohio State Highway Patrol will conduct an OVI sobriety checkpoint this weekend to deter and intercept impaired drivers. Operational support for the sobriety checkpoint will be provided by local law enforcement agencies. “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving,” says Williams County Safe Communities Coordinator, Peg Buda. “If you plan to consume alcohol, designate a driver or make other travel arrangements before you drink. Don’t let another life be lost for the senseless and selfish act of getting behind the wheel impaired.”
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes was almost twice as high during the weekend (31%) than during weekdays (15%) and four times higher at night (36%) than during the day (8%).
Since 2009, 3.2 % of all crashes in Williams County have been impairment related. However, the trend of impairment related crashes in 2011 and 2012 increased up to 3.7%. In 2012, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, Defiance Post investigated nine fatal crashes in Williams and Defiance Counties with 55% of these fatal crashes found to be alcohol related.
Impaired driving is not an accident — it’s an epidemic of careless disregard for human life. Each year, nearly 12,000 people die on our roads due to impaired driving. That would be equal to about 30 jumbo jets crashing each year. No one should ever get that late-night phone call from the police telling you your loved one has died due to an impaired driver. The OVI Sobriety Checkpoint is not just about writing tickets and arresting impaired drivers, it is about saving lives. Zero deaths due to impaired driving are the desired outcome. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving – Designate a Sober Driver.
*Statistics for Defiance and Williams County provided by Ohio State Highway Patrol, Defiance Post