HEART MONTH SPEAKER … Dr. Khalid Minhas, CHWC Cardiology Clinic, Bryan, shown in center, was speaker for the Feb.14th Valentine’s Day meeting of the Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary, also celebrating Heart Health Month. Shown with him are Auxiliary President Gloria Poorman, left, and Caitlyn Freese, right, who accompanied Dr. Minhas from the clinic. An appreciation gift was presented to the speaker on behalf of the auxiliary.
February was celebrated for both Valentine’s Day and Heart Health Month by CHWC Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary on Monday, Feb. 14th.
Dr. Khalid Minhas, Intervention Cardiologist from Community Hospitals & Wellness Centers Cardiology Clinic in Bryan and Archbold, served as guest speaker for the general meeting of the auxiliary at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church sanctuary.
Auxiliary President Gloria Poorman conducted the meeting and introduced Dr. Minhas who spoke on the world’s number 1 killer—heart disease, which takes about one million lives each year.
Symptoms of a heart attack can include chest pain, abdominal discomfort, and extreme fatigue and may act differently in women and men. Anyone experiencing symptoms should immediately call 911 for emergency assistance.
High cholesterol can cause plaque buildup and blockage in arteries increasing the risk of a heart attack. Steps can be taken in prevention to lower the risk of heart attack.
Factors contributing to high risk may include smoking (which can lead to possibility of stroke), diet, exercise, stress & emotional anxiety. Knowing family history is important to share with primary physicians and specialists.
Stress can lead to unhealthy habits—overeating, physical inactivity and smoking. Some ways to cope with stress include informing your doctor, taking time to unwind, connecting with community or faith-based organizations, and taking breaks from negative or upsetting news updates.
Changes in diet can help lower cholesterol and blood glucose such as eating more vegetables and fruit, less red meat (body still needs protein consumed in other ways like chicken and fish) and less carbohydrates and sugar (in bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and starches).
Healthy eating plans help lower risk of serious and chronic health conditions including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer.
Exercise on a daily basis 30-45 minutes five days a week is encouraged such as walking, swimming, biking, aerobics. Some exercises are designed to burn calories even if sitting.
Even if someone suffers a heart attack, regular exercise promotes better and quicker recuperation.
Dr. Minhas also explained the use of pacemakers—surgically placed for those with low heart rate or arhythmia, and internal defibrillators for heart attack patients with low heart pumping function.
Some heart attack patients may be candidates for a heart transplant, but the supply is low compared to the need.
He also mentioned “broken heart syndrome”, which creates symptoms similar to heart attack but can heal in a couple of weeks.
Happening mostly in women, this is caused by sudden emotional trauma from serious family incidents including death of a loved one.
A question and answer session followed. The auxiliary thanks Dr. Minhas and CHWC Cardiology Clinic for the information and dedication to their patients.
Auxiliary President Gloria continued the meeting with roll call, answered to “Name someone to whom you could send a special valentine”. Thought for the day was “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” by Theodore Roosevelt. Members turned in a variety of recipes and monetary donations for the bakeless bake sale.
Reports were given by Secretary Connie Dunseth, Treasurer Joyce Schelling, Gift Shop Manager Ruth Cooley with discussion on the status of the gift shop which remains closed at the Montpelier Hospital. Suggestions for fund-raising possibilities are encouraged.
Gloria announced that the patient activity cart for the local hospital has arrived. Funds for the purchase of this item were donated by the auxiliary recently.
The cart contains a variety of activity items designed for use by patients during their hospital stay. Members also donated Valentine greeting cards to be delivered to patients & staff at the Montpelier Hospital. Door prizes were also awarded.
Montpelier Hospital Auxiliary will have a soup & salad luncheon at 12:00 noon Monday, March 14th in St. Paul’s United Methodist Church fellowship hall.
Members are asked to bring a salad or dessert (soup is furnished) and also bring a guest. Speaker will be Maggie Fisher, Williams County Department of Aging. Roll call will be “What is your favorite soup or salad?”.