By: Daniel Cooley
The amount of cases per 100,000 people are on the increase in both Fulton and Williams counties. Fulton, in 46th place with 226 cases per 100,000, is in the medium incidence level, with 95 actual cases in the past two weeks, in a county with a total population of 42,126 people.
“The Center for Disease Control is actually a little higher than what it may actually be, because of its modeling technique,” said Kim Cupp, Health Commissioner of the Fulton County Health Department.
“I encourage people if they are traveling, try to be aware of what the numbers are in the places you are traveling to. Have tests on hand, which are available at libraries and the Fulton County Health Department.”
Cupp emphasized that people who are more compromised health wise, need to take the necessary precautions. Also, people who are up to date on the vaccinations, have a lot less of a chance of getting Covid, but if they do, their symptoms are usually very mild.
Williams County’s numbers per 100,000 people increased from 180 nover the previous two weeks to 226 over the past two weeks. That puts Williams County in 51st place out of 88 counties.
But with an actual number of 80 cases over the past two weeks, Williams County is still in the low incidence range.
“The good thing is, we’re still in the low incidence level, which we’ve been at for several weeks now,” said Victoria Smith, Director of Health Education Preparedness of the Williams County Health Department.
Smith emphasized now, though, with only 46% of people in Williams County getting their first vaccine, that people should get vaccinated in order to keep the number of Covid cases in the country from continuing to increase.
People can check the Williams County Health Center website to see what places issue vaccines.
Here is a list of places in Williams County, along with the Williams County Health Center, are Rings Pharmacy in Montpelier, Klinger Pharmacy in West Unity, the Bryan Community Health Center and the following places in Bryan: CVS Pharmacy, Walmart, Walgreens and Rite Aid.
Dan can be reached at