Defiance, OH- Wednesday, January 10th, Craig Riedel, Republican candidate for Ohio’s 9th Congressional District, had the following comments after the momentous vote by the Ohio House of Representatives to override Governor DeWine’s veto of Ohio House Bill 68:
“Today is a historic day for the great people of Ohio and further affirms the will of the people to stop the sexualization of our children and to protect the integrity of women’s school sports.
I commend my former colleagues in the Ohio House of Representatives for standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity,” Riedel commented.
Riedel, a former member of the Ohio House of Representatives and current top contender in the race to replace longtime liberal incumbent Marcy Kaptur in Ohio’s 9th Congressional District, is a strong supporter of traditional family values and believes that parents, not the government, should have the authority to make decisions for what they believe is best for their children.
“When elected as the next Congressman representing northwest Ohio, I will continue to bear the standard of protecting our children and families, and to stop government overreach and overregulation in the lives of our great people,” said Riedel.
January 10, 2024 (Cleveland, OH) – Bernie Moreno issued the following reaction via X to the Ohio Legislature’s override of Gov. DeWine’s veto of Fairness in Women’s Sports and a ban on transgender surgeries on children.
“Thank you to the Ohio Legislature for standing up to the pressure from Big Pharma and making it clear that we protect women’s sports in Ohio and will always defend kids from abuse,” Moreno said.
“As I said previously: allowing men to compete against women and allowing children to make life-altering medical decisions instead of getting the help they truly need is not only wrong and unfair but lacks basic common sense.”
Bernie Moreno was born in Bogota, Colombia. He moved to the United States with his family at age five and became an American citizen at age 18. Bernie purchased his first car dealership in 2005 and grew that one dealership into one of the largest dealership groups in America, eventually employing over 1,000 Ohioans. More recently, in 2016, Bernie recognized the value and transformational potential of blockchain technology, before it received mainstream attention, and moved much of his volunteer time and investment dollars into the space. In 2018 he co- founded ChampTitles, which eliminates the need for States to issue paper titles. The company has grown to be quite successful as Bernie served as Chairman of the Board. He recently sold his entire stake in the company and is no longer Board Chair. Bernie currently resides in Westlake, Ohio, with his wife, Bridget, and has four adult children.