BUSINESS … Delta Village Council had a short fifteen minute council meeting on December 5, approving multiple old and new business items (PHOTO BY LINDSAY PHILLIPS, STAFF)
By: Lindsay Phillips
Delta Village Council began their regular meeting on December 5, at 5:30 p.m. All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Matt Boyd from Trinity Lutheran Church praying over the meeting.
Minutes from the previous meeting on November 21 were approved by council.
Village Administrator Brad Peebles gave his report and shared, “the annexation for the 534 acres takes effect on Wednesday.”
Peebles added to his report and stated, “we opened up bids for the Fulton County Water system.”
After receiving two bids, which are both lower than budget for the project, council will have sixty days to approve one.
Finance Director Stephanie Mossing asked for approval of invoices as presented, which were accepted by council.
Kevin Heban gave his report stating, “as a result of the executive session last week, we scheduled a meeting for December 16 for the parties involved in our office. We will keep you posted with the results of the meeting.”
Delta Police Chief Nathan Hartsock asked council for permission to post for three part-time officers. As the budget already allowed for three, council approved the request.
The following old business items were approved with no discussion:
- Ordinance 22-18, an ordinance to make appropriations for the Village of Delta for 2023.
- Ordinance 22-19, an ordinance amending the compensation plan structure and administration manual addressing wages and certain benefits for the employees of the Village of Delta.
- Resolution 22-18, a resolution authorizing the village administrator to dispose of certain surplus property not needed for any municipal purpose.
During new business, a first reading of Ordinance 22-20 was read with emergency provisions to amend the employment contract with Nathan Hartsock as police chief for the Village of Delta.
A first reading of Ordinance 22-21 was approved, amending section 951.06 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Delta addressing the burial of indigent persons who are residence.
Resolution 22–12, a resolution authorizing the village administrator to execute agreement with Archbold Refuse Service for refuse collection for 2023 and 2024 was read and approved with emergency provisions.
Delta Village Council will hold their next regular meeting on December 19 at 5:30 p.m.
With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Lindsay can be reached at