COUNCIL … Members of the Delta Village Council discuss the legislative items before them during the December 19th, 2022, meeting.
By: Jacob Kessler
The Delta Village Council held their meeting on Monday, December 19th. The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Council first heard from the village administrator who advised them of a need to add Ordinance 22-22 to the agenda as well as executive session at the end of the session.
Following approval of those additions, council moved to approve the minutes from December 5th.
Correspondence was then discussed next with the village administrator informing council about information received from the USDA regarding the Fernwood Project.
Next, the administrator spoke about a 2023 meeting schedule draft that was given to each member of council.
The finance director then asked for approval of the invoices, which council passed, before then letting council know that the income tax report for the end of November was included in their packets.
Council then moved to approve the following ordinances and resolutions. The second reading of Ordinance 22-21 to amend section 951.06 of the codifies ordinances of the Village of Delta addressing the burial of indigent persons who are residents.
The first reading of Resolution 22-22 authorizing the village administrator to dispose of vehicles assigned to the village and the village has determined it has no use for.
The first reading of Resolution 22-23, with emergency provisions, authorizing the village administrator to accept bids and execute contracts with Hank’s Plumbing and Heating Company to complete the connection into the Fulton County water system and declaring an emergency.
The first reading of Resolution 22-24, with emergency provisions, clarifying intent of Ordinance 22-13, authorizing the village administrator to execute all required documents to transact the sale of perpetual lease with Global Acquisitions IV LLC, and declaring an emergency.
The first reading of Ordinance 22-22, with emergency provisions, to supplement Ordinance 22-12 for supplemental appropriations.
Council also voted to change the name of Ordinance 22-20, voted on during the December 5th meeting, to Ordinance 22-20A due to the name already being taken.
With no other items to attend to, the meeting entered into executive session at 5:47 p.m. Following executive session, the meeting was adjourned.

Jacob can be reached at