REPAVED LOT … Pictured above is the newly repaved parking lot behind the school. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Edon School Board meeting of July 11 began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call. Four board members, Cody Best, Jamie Schaffter, Ashley Reed and Patty Eicher, were in attendance.
First, the school board approved seven consent agenda items, which included the following: the meeting minutes from the June 27 meeting; the financial reports for June 2022; the amended certificate request from the county auditor; the certificate of the total amount from all sources available for expenditures for 2023 and the 412 certificate; the June NWOESC Paraprofessional and teacher substitutes list and the renewal of cafeteria software maintenance agreement with Esber Cash Register.
Next, treasurer Deb Nester gave a report. She stated that revenues are down from one year ago, by $291,776 and expenses are down by $70,038.
Nester also said that for the fiscal year to date, revenues are under expenditures by $15,349 and the day’s cash is 158.12 days.
In the superintendent’s report, Anthony Stevens said that the parking lot repaving and sealing has been completed.
Stevens also stated that the new bleachers should be completed by August 1 and the new press box to be completed by August 8, which should be ample time for the football home and season opener against Edgerton, on August 19.
In addition, Stevens stated that he will investigate further into what type of survey the school would like to do, for the beginning of the school year.
Next, the board approved the following seven action items: the one-year contract of teacher Rachel Palmer, for the 2022-23 school year; the list of substitute bus/van drivers for 2022-23; student fees for the 2022-23 school year; sports pass and athletic ticket prices for 2022-23; the 2022-23 athletic pass resolution; contract agreement with Visions Photography for 2022-23 and a resolution to participate in the META bus purchasing program.
The board then moved into executive session.
Daniel can be reached at