BRYAN, OHIO — Jenna Dulle was awarded a first place, $2,000 scholarship in the Ohio Line Supervisors Association (OLSA) Scholarship competition on March 2, 2023.
Dulle, the daughter of Doug and Kristine Dulle, is a senior at Edon High School. Doug is a journeyman lineman for North Western Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Ten students competed for $4,500 in scholarships, funded by the OLSA. The Ohio Line Supervisors Association is a statewide association made up of operations managers and supervisors from the rural electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia.
Their objective is to “provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge; to secure and distribute information to its members in order that they may better perform their duties and fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs; and to encourage good fellowship and better understanding among the various cooperatives.”