DEPARTMENT REPORT … Edon Police Chief Tom Szymczak gives his reports to village council members
By: India Kenner
The Edon Village Council met on March 17 at 7:00 p.m. Council members David Loughborough, Jeff Pease, Austin Thiel, Lee Lawrence, Dan Ankney, Brian Shaffer, Mayor Duane Thiel, Village Administrator Chad Ordway, and Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell were present. Police Chief Tom Szymczak and members of the community were also in attendance.
Mayor Duane Thiel called the meeting to order promptly after the Pledge of Allegiance.
The mayor asked the council if they read over the meeting minutes, financial reports, and bills and asked for a motion to approve. Brian Shaffer made a motion to approve the items and the motion was seconded by Dan Ankney.
Next on the agenda was the reading of communications. Heidi Bidwell commented that Spring Trash pickup is on April 26.
In the Police Department Report, Chief Szymczak shared that Monica Goebel completed school resource officer (SRO) training for Edon Schools.
He added that Goebel is still employed part-time with the Edon Police Department and that two email addresses were set up to keep things organized.
Szymczak also commented about plans to help with the mock crash that will take place at the school and he shared that he and Officer Goebel attended Verbal Judo, De-escalation, and CPI training at Northwest State.
The committee reports nothing new for safety or park. On behalf of the Cemetery Committee, Loughborough commented that along with Spring clean-up, there would be plant removal, landscaping with stone additions, privacy fencing installation, surveying of property lines, and headstone repairs.
Lawrence commented that April finance meetings will be set up soon. In the village administrator’s report, Chad Ordway commented that water meter change-outs were taking place. Notices were left for residents who were not home when the village attempted to replace their meters.
A public zoning meeting was held immediately prior to the evening’s regular council meeting to allow residents an opportunity to ask questions about the amended zoning map.
Ordway explained that twelve properties are being reclassified and that this action was for housekeeping purposes for the Village. The two maps will be on display at the village office for public review.
The council suspended the rules and approved the zoning updates in Ordinance 02-025.
The Edon Village Council meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m. The next council meeting will be held April 21 at 7:00 p.m.