The Edon Village meeting began with the approval of the previous meetings minutes. Next, the financial statements were approved, and the bills were approved to be paid.
Big Trash Day is set for April 30, 2022.
Chief Szymczak asked permissions to hire Devin Harter as a part-time officer. Mayor Theil appointed Devin Harter as a part-time officer.
The council approved the Mayor’s action. The Safety committee is set to meet on March 9th at 7 pm.
Village Administrator Chad Ordway, updated council that he has figured the debt ratio is eleven percent for the Village in 2022.
Council approved to pass Ordinance 2-2022, vacating Franklin Drive from the westernmost point of the intersection of Franklin Drive with Bunny Lane, east to the end of Franklin Drive within the Village of Edon, Ohio. This will allow three buildable lots.
Council approved to adjourn.