UP AND RUNNING … Edon Chamber Members held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Calli’s Smokehouse on the morning of Thursday, June 6th. While Calli’s opening day was back on March 7th, 2024, they are now fully operational and hosting their Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday, June 8th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pictured above were those at the ribbon cutting ceremony (left to right): Chamber Treasurer Danielle Tanner, Chamber Vice President Cody Best, Courtnee Flack, Calli Flack, Jason Brown, Sean Flack, and Chamber President Jim Whitman. (PHOTO BY JENNA FRISBY / THE VILLAGE REPORTER)
By: Jenna Frisby
Edon Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Calli’s Smokehouse on Thursday, June 6th, 2024. The ribbon cutting was a brief event. However, Calli’s will be hosting their grand opening celebration on Saturday, June 8th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The idea for Calli’s Smokehouse started when Jason Brown and Sean Flack met through a mutual friend. Both gentlemen ran their own food trucks and were looking for something more permanent.
When the idea for a smokehouse was mentioned between the two, the idea just took off. When talking about the startup of the business and everything they’ve managed to do thus far Brown mentions that “It’s a lot more work than you think, but worth it all.”
Both owners, Brown and Flack, are from out of the area. One residing out of Jackson, MI the other from Wauseon, OH. But both of them hold a sense of family and community close to them. In fact, for Flack that sense of family is exactly what pushed him to pursue the business.
Twelve years ago, Sean Flack was informed by medical staff that he has a rare genetic syndrome called li-fraumeni. The diagnosis means that Flack is more prone and likely to develop cancer cells within his body.
Unfortunately, the truth to that diagnosis came to light when he found out he had cancer. In total since 2015 Flack has beat cancer three times. His last cancer diagnosis was four years ago in 2020. At that diagnosis he was only given a 7% chance to survive.
Flack recalled his emotions to that news, “To me it was just a number they were giving me, it didn’t mean anything.” Flack proved those odds wrong too as beat that diagnosis as well.
Flack’s cancer diagnoses have only propelled him closer to his family. So, in 2023 when he wanted to find something that allowed him to be able to be with his family more, he ventured into opening his own food truck.
As that was only a seasonal endeavor, when he met Brown, he knew together they could make the smokehouse a reality.
When it came to naming the business, Brown stated that it was really Flack’s dream from the beginning, so he gave him the reigns to name it. Flack chose the name Calli’s Smokehouse in honor of his daughter.
Family is more than important to Flack, it’s key to him. Their business slogan “Better meats than down the street” is a fun poke at Arby’s which is just down the street from them.
Both owners stated that they are close with the owner and managers there and love to chat about business and work together on things.
The entire business inside and out is done in a family friendly manner and fashion because to Flack family is everything.

His perspective isn’t surprising considering the things he’s experienced through the past decade. But he continues to build his business with the support and love of his family, business partners, and friends.
Their building, which is made of brick, has a rustic feel inside and out. Their ceiling is quite unique within the business as it has different tiles which are actually ads for other businesses in the area.
This was something that Flack initiated that gives the business a way to help other local small businesses in the area and get their names out there too.
Calli’s Smokehouse is more than just a dream for Brown and Flack. It is now a reality that they get to live out.
Owning their own business and being able to spend more time with their families is something both value dearly.
From the perspective of food, quantity does not take over quality ever for them. They ensure that what they serve and provide is top tier.

Callie’s will be hosting their grand opening celebration on Saturday, June 8th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. They will be serving a limited menu as they plan to have a lot of foot traffic.
That limited menu will include pulled pork sandwiches and rib baskets with two side options. The event will also include two bounce houses for kids, a live band, and a beer cart. The Williams County Humane Society will also be at their event with puppies who are needing homes.
After the grand opening celebration on Saturday, Calli’s Smokehouse will begin operating under their new hours of Wednesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.