Fulton County Clerk of Courts Tracy L. Zuver has provided his monthly report for December 2022, with December 2021 in parentheses, with the following:
New cases filed in the legal department 138 (222); domestic 9 (15), civil 24 (8), criminal 10 (11), miscellaneous 2 (2), Judgment Liens 93 (185), and Appeals 0 (1) with a total of fees collected being $14,138.78 ($14,191.65).
The title department issued a total of 1,332 (1,514) titles; new cars 59 (76), used cars 734 (770), new trucks 34 (70), used trucks 316 (440), vans 38 (12), motorcycles 18 (20), manufactured homes 41 (9), trailers 16 (17), travel trailers 8 (27), motor homes 11 (22), buses 0 (1), off-road vehicles 47 (36), watercraft 4 (10), outboard motors 2 (1), other 4 (3), with a total of fees collected being $634,202.61 ($836,024.72).
Zuver also provided an end of year report for 2022, with 2021 in parenthesis, with the following:
New cases filed in the legal department 2,260 (2,332); domestic 183 (187), civil 220 (121), criminal 138 (151) and miscellaneous 24 (38), Judgment Liens 1,685 (1,822), and Appeals 10 (13) with a total of fees collected being $218,307.87 ($198,698.69).
The title department issued a total of 18,595 (21,562) titles; new cars 1,065 (1,242), used cars 9,457 (11,058), new trucks 606 (783), used trucks 4,383 (5,168), vans 336 (209), motorcycles 643 (718), manufactured homes 202 (145), trailers 268 (384), travel trailers 400 (494), motor homes 274 (328), buses 23 (24), off-road vehicles 579 (584), watercraft 202 (258), outboard motors 42 (51), other 115 (116), with a total of fees collected being $9,900,796.54 ($10,629,978.61).