INTERSECTION The intersection shown here may be the site of a new round a bout within the next several years This intersection is at Stryker StreetState Route 2 and Frey Road County Road 24 Intersection
By: Jacob Kessler
The possibility of a new round-a-bout is being explored in the Village of Archbold. The intersection in question is Stryker Street/State Route 2 and Frey Road (County Road 24 Intersection).
According to Assistant Administrator Aaron Alt, the village had commissioned DGL to conduct a traffic speed study at the intersection. This was done following a Planning Commission review that took place in 2022.
The Archbold Planning Commission requested, as part of their conditional approval for the annexation of six acres for Dollar General, that a traffic study be conducted and for the developer (Zaremba Group) to sponsor $5,000 toward the cost of the study, in addition to granting additional right-of-way to allow future upgrades at the intersection if the study supported the need for said upgrades.
A review was presented by DGL at the January 2nd council meeting. This review showed that upgrading the intersection to a round-a-bout would drastically reduce the number of accidents at the site, along with the severity of them as well. It was also explained that, due to the intersection not warranting traffic signals, a round-a-bout is the most ideal improvement and would be the safest option.
Currently, the Ohio Department of Transportation has a grant funding application process that is being looked at in order to possibly build the round-a-bout in 2027/2028.