PRESS RELEASE – Hilltop Elementary School kindergarten screening for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will take place April 16 & 17.
All children who will be 5 years old on or before September 30, 2025, are eligible for kindergarten. To register your child for a screening appointment on-line go to or download the Hilltop Schools app on your phone, then click on the kindergarten registration form link or scan the QR code.
Appointment time slots are on a first come, first serve basis. The registration deadline is April 10. On the day of your child’s kindergarten screening appointment, please bring the following items:
1. Your child’s certified birth certificate.
2. Immunization record (must be up-to-date prior to the first day of school).
3. Proof of Residency (two documents).
4. Custody papers (if applicable).
All items will be copied the day of the screening so that you may take the originals home. A custodial parent/guardian is required to attend the screening with their child to complete the registration process.

For questions regarding kindergarten registration/screenings, please call 419-924-2365, select option for Elementary Office.
Hilltop Elementary will also house a preschool unit which will be operated by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center.
The preschool is for students ages 3-5. The early childhood and development screenings will be held March 31 and April 14 & 28. If interested, please call 567-444-4818 for additional information.