By: Renea Kessler
Last summer, LifeWise Pettisville received a bus donated by the West Clinton Church. Due to timing issues, they couldn’t brand the bus last school year, so it was wrapped this summer in Ft. Wayne, IN by a company called InkWorks.
Mindi Leatherman, the Program Director for LifeWise Pettisville, expressed excitement for the kids to see the bus when they return to classes this fall.
LifeWise is a program that focuses on students’ character development, mental health, and supports educators’ efforts in building strong students.
Students learn the Bible chronologically, with each lesson connecting a Bible passage to a relevant character trait that students are encouraged to practice in their families and communities.
LifeWise Academy, located in Hilliard, Ohio, is a released-time religious instruction program that provides Bible-based character education to public school students.
With parental permission, students are released from school to attend off-campus classes. LifeWise is privately funded through donations. – (PICTURE PROVIDED)