The Metamora Village Council held their meeting on Wednesday, July 5th. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance before hearing from guests who were in attendance.
Mike and Brenda Miller spoke first regarding what needs to be done with their sanitary sewer when the state takes some of their property for the State Route 120 bridge replacement project.
Discussion took place about putting in new lines and relocating them. The Millers said they have issues with their sewer system now.
Council stated that it was not fair to make them wait two years for the bridge replacement project if they are having problems with their sewer now.
Council will discuss the issue more and will let the Millers know what has been decided at a later time.
Council next moved to approve minutes from the previous meeting held on June 21st, along with payment of the bills. Under old business, a complaint form was created regarding zoning issues.
This form can be filled out by residents if they have any issues with neighbors.
The form was reviewed, and a few changes were recommended. The changes will be made, and the form will be shown to council at the next meeting.
Discussion then took place regarding the Maple Street parking lot and the abutting property. The abutting property owner’s driveway is on village property.
The owner would like an easement or for that part of the land to be sold to them. A motion was made and approved to have the land surveyed before any decision is made, with the cost not to exceed $1,200.00.
Under new business, there has been a request made to add additional volleyball courts to the park.
Several council members feel that there is not enough room where the existing volleyball courts are now.
Councilmember Mossing stated that she would like to have a park planner hired for the empty 5-acre lot. This idea was tabled for a future lands and buildings meeting.
Discussion then took place regarding the village council sending funeral flowers. A question was raised of whether or not flowers should be sent or a donation.
It was decided to send a donation instead of flowers. The fiscal officer’s report was given next with it first being stated the front door is hard to open. Some of the wood on the door has been filed down but it is still sticking and is hard to open.
Two lights in the park have been burnt out for a while and a request has been made to replace them with LED lights.
An estimate has come in from Lake Erie Construction to replace the guardrail on County Road 2 and U. The estimate is $3,785.00. The claim will be turned over to the insurance company.
With no other business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.