EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Eagle Scout Austin Adams came to the Montpelier Parks Board meeting to seek approval for his Eagle Scout Project which would be to install bike fixing stations along the local bike trails The board gave their approval and now Adams must visit with the Friends of the Park to obtain funding for this project
By: Anna Wozniak
The Montpelier Parks and Recreation Board met on February 7, 2024, at 7 p.m., and began with greeting Eagle Scout Austin Adams, who wanted to present the idea of implementing two bike fix-it stations along the Wabash Trail off County Road 13 and the Iron Horse River Trail. The stations are Dero Fixit with Air Kit Prime.
The project needed to be approved by the board before Adams could go to the Friends of the Park for funding, which is exactly what happened by means of a motion.
The minutes from the last meeting were approved as presented before it was shared that valve maintenance and lifeguard certification has been going well, and Boys and Girls Club is looking for places to send the kids.
Christmas lights have been getting taken down, and the grounds are being prepared for spring at the moment, with regular road salting and snow removal being completed as necessary.
Lifeguard training and certification has proven to be difficult, as it is hard to find qualified individuals to conduct the classes.
The 950R John Deere is getting ready for trade-in, and a new contract with John Deere is awaiting state approval.
The 2024 garden order has been placed, and information has been sent regarding sponsorship for the 2023-2024 lunch program, with summer programming going well.
Water Day is scheduled for May 14th, and the replacement slide for Kiddyland has been ordered. The deadline for application submissions for summer employment opportunities are due March 1st, and over 1,000 native seeds have been received for the Iron Horse River Trail.
Bean Days at Founders Park has begun formulation, and the Ohio Young Birders have reached out wanting to install some bird and bat houses.
It was recommended that these should be installed at the Iron Horse River Trail when construction is complete, with the youths planning to attend a meeting later on to discuss where the habitats should be placed.
New lights for a winter wonderland feeling for next year were discussed before the board read and approved the Montpelier Park Code of Conduct for 2024.
Issues on smoking near the dugout and unexcused absences were discussed, with it being decided that both of those issues are nearly impossible to police and enforce, with the public being reminded to please be respectful of smoking near ball games at the park.
Those with kids that are sick or failing classes are encouraged to disallow their student’s participation in park activities, with the board urging parents to reduce the spread of illnesses among the youths.
Future park ideas were then shared among members, ranging from a downtown river link, boat ramps at the Iron Horse River Trail and downtown river link, story walk, local dog park, volleyball courts, music sensory areas, zen garden, disc golf course, mountain bike course, exercise equipment station, new soccer field, tree plantings, and a safe routes to school application for 2025, with ideas for future park expansion or improvement being looked into to be added to the park plan so that they can potentially obtain funding for these ideas if it were to become available at a later date.
The meeting then closed at 7:53, planned to meet next April 6, 2024.