STUDENT OF THE MONTH … Riley Birkhold was chosen by Mrs. Smith as the Montpelier Student of the Month for November. Students are chosen based on grades, attendance, and reason for nomination stated by the teacher. A committee of three reads the nominations and evaluates. Mrs. Smith said Riley is“an absolute joy to have in class…sets her standards very high…is her own authentic self.”
By: Rebecca Miller
Montpelier School Board voted in favor of a recommendation to approve the FFCRA plan to allow an employee on eFMLA leave for reason #4, to care for an individual subject to a quarantine order, who is allowed only ⅔ pay up to a maximum of $200 per day, to supplement their pay with sick leave.
And, to allow an employee on eFMLA leave for reason #5, to care for a child whose school or place of care is closed due to COVID-19, who is allowed only ⅔ pay up to a maximum of $200 per day, to supplement their pay with personal or vacation leave only. This resolution to be effective August 1, 2020.
Also approved/accepted at the November 10, 2020 School Board meeting:
- minutes from October 13 meeting
- Financial reports for the month of October 2020
- Following Donations: $99.25 from West Bethesda Church to Nurse’s Fund; $2210 from 1st Club to Boys Golf; $1104 from 1st Club to Girls Golf; $1000 from 1st Club to Jason Saneholtz Memorial Scholarship; $750 from Montpelier Chamber of Commerce to Buster Bus Masks; $800 from Great Midwest Sports to Athletic Department; $7959.72 from Post Prom to Class of 2021; $407 from Montpelier Area Foundation to Athletic Department-Bob Rose Endowment; $75 from Montpelier Athletic Boosters to Class of 2021; $50 from Montpelier Athletic Boosters to Class of 2022; $100 from Montpelier Athletic Boosters to Class of 2023; and $25 from Montpelier Athletic Boosters to Class of 2024
- Return of an advance in the amount of $29,427.75 from the Jazz Band/Trip Fund, to the General Fund. This is a return of advance approved by the board April 14, 2020 to cover cost of refunds for the student paid portion of the New Orleans trip.
- An advance to the Cafeteria Fund from the General Fund in the amount of $50,000. Advance to be repaid by the end of FY2021 if the cafeteria fund has a balance at year end
- Increase/Decrease in the amended certificate and the increase/decrease in appropriations as presented.
- Five Year Forecast (which can be seen on the school website)
- 20-21 School Year Calendar
In his Legislative Report, Mr. Shawn Owen, informed the board that the Senate is working on a bill that will provide the schools with more flexibility during Covid-19; a bill that will require screening and intervention for children with dyslexia and establishment of structured literacy certified teachers; bill to modify compulsory school absence laws due to medical reasons.
Elementary Principal Lance Thorp said they are trying to recognize students without having visitors in the building. School YouTube Channel has updates on those. He thanked the Montpelier Chamber and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church for their donations that purchased the Buster the Bus masks. They will also be doing monthly local leader assemblies on the YouTube Channel.
Fall Harvest and Halloween parade went well outside and everyone in their cars seemed to enjoy it and supported the kids. Parent Teacher Conferences on October 22 turn out was not as good as it usually is but some appreciated being able to do it on Zoom. Finished Red Ribbon week focusing on drug awareness. Virtual Learning day was successful, hoping they won’t need it. Blood Drive scheduled for November 11, with test for COVID antibodies. Interim reports will be going out on the day before Thanksgiving. He acknowledged Veteran’s Day.
Mrs. Su Thorp thanked a student from Government Class for being at the meeting. She reported that there were a lot of positives on the Virtual Practice Day. There were some tech issues but mostly it went well. They saw a few small issues that will be addressed to help it go more smoothly if they have to go virtual. The teachers are prepared.
She spoke about the Graduation Requirements, saying that a team is working on that with other area teams so they can all see what other ideas are being used. Twenty one credit hours are required by Montpelier, as well as a few other requirements. Each Student has a Graduation Plan to fill out as they go through school, that will allow the staff to be alerted if a student becomes “at risk”.
PBIS is still moving forward in the Jr. High and the students are getting awarded for character development. Second Semester, they will be forming a HS PBIS team.
The Board also approved Samuel Schroeder as JH Wrestling coach for 20-21 and added Kaitlin Harter to the substitute health aide list for 20-21, effective November 5, 2020.
The Board went into Executive Session for the purpose of item A The appointment, employment, promotion, discipline, demotion, dismissal or compensation of a public employee or official. There was no action taken.
Rebecca can be reached at