HEARING REPORT … Montpelier Village Council listening to Village Administrator Jason Rockey’s report. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The April 24, 2023 Montpelier Village Council meeting began at 6 p.m. with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance.
Present were Councilors Heather Freese, Don Schlosser, Nathan Thompson, Melissa Ewers, Chris Kannel, and Kevin Motter.
Also present were Mayor Steve Yagelski, Clerk of Council Molly Collert, Law Director Chris Walker, and Montpelier Police Lieutenant Darrell Higbie.
Council then approved the agenda for the meeting, then approving the minutes of the April 10, 2023 meeting.
There will be a National Day of Prayer event at Sacred Heart Church. A recent boy scout meeting inspired Councilor Chris Kannel to relate that many have interest in the processes involved with how things work, as well as assumptions made about what things cost.
Village Administrator Jason Rockey then detailed the parameters of the two ordinances they were to vote on. Ordinance 2266, which allows for an increase in water rates, and Ordinance 2267, which allows for an increase to sewer rates.
The first of these increases will be reflected on May 1, 2023, with scheduled increases occurring on January 1 of 2024, 2025, and 2026.
Rocky then gave the administrator’s report, detailing how the Neighborhood Renovation Grant is in the process of being applied for. He thanked the community for their response to the surveys that were sent out for project interest.
May 1, Monday, at 6 p.m., there will be an informational open-house-like session wherein the community is invited to come in and ask questions.
Anyone is welcome to attend, and the meeting will be held at the Montpelier Fire Station.
Once the Economic Development Committee narrows the project recommendations down and answers community questions, the council will vote on which project will be submitted in the grant application.
As of last Thursday, the Montpelier Police Department has been using a new reporting software system.
The new system is interconnected with the other police departments in Williams County, allowing for more unity and better communication between them.
Lieutenant Higbie then expressed deep thanks to Mike Levy for all his work, commenting that he truly is a wonderful worker and great asset to the community.
The Iron Horse River Trail Project is currently on hold until a bidder becomes available to complete the project within the required amount of the engineer’s estimate.
The estimate is currently being updated to reflect current costs, which have risen with the price of cured lumber products.
The Montpelier Village Council then voted to enter executive session at 6:28 p.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com