MUTUAL AID Village Manager Jason Rockey shared that an electrical outage behind the Rainbow Motel in Holiday City was fixed by Montpelier village personnel with the bill for the service to be sent in compliance with AMPs mutual aid policy
By: Anna Wozniak
The Montpelier Village Council met on March 25, 2024, at 6 p.m. Present were councilors Don Schlosser, Nathan Thompson, Kevin Motter, Melissa Ewers, and Chris Kannel, alongside Law Director Robert Bohmer, Village Administrator Jason Rockey, and Director of Finance Nikki Uribes.
After the approval of the agenda and the minutes of their March 11, 2024 meeting, Village Administrator Jason Rockey shared that the old Pony League portable pitching mound would be donated to the school for further, more stationary use.
A then and now purchase order for the sewer system soil borings was then approved. Resolution 1395 was then approved after a suspension of the rules, which accounted for an insurance claim on a parked village vehicle, a police cruiser damaged by hitting a deer, and the WWIP CSO7 grant for the purchase of a sewer camera was accepted.
The current inspection camera is on the end of a pole, and if anything is underwater, it cannot be seen clearly. This camera is mechanical and will be able to be used remotely.
Rockey then shared that a discussion was held on replacing the South Platt Street curbs and sidewalks, with funding looking to come from a 2027 ODOT project on State Route 576. The engineer’s estimate, updated in January, is at $1.2 million.
ODOT environmentalists contacted the village regarding a permit for the Iron Horse River Trail, as one of the permits for the work being done in the wetland areas was not submitted.
After a meeting, it was decided that obtaining the permit would not cause any delay in construction, with enough area outside of the wetlands for work to begin, with installation training starting the second week of April.
An outage behind the Rainbow Motel was addressed by village personnel, with billing to be sent with compliance with AMP’s mutual aid policy.
Rockey shared then that 324 West Main Street has been assessed by a structural engineer, with a report being created for the village and the WCPA to review.
The Montpelier Village Council then voted to enter into executive session for the purpose of consulting with the Law Director and the purchase of property at 6:22 p.m.