SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER Chief Szymczak discussed how the potential SRO School Resource Officer would be an employee of the department whose salary would be donated by the school district The officer would be there throughout the school day as well as attend games in the event of issues arising Off season would find them working with the department
By: Anna Wozniak
The Edon Village Council met on March 25, 2024, at 7 p.m. Present were members David Loughborough, Jeff Pease, Austin Thiel, Lee Lawrence, Dan Ankney, and Brian Shaffer. Alongside them were solicitor Tom Thompson, Mayor Duane Thiel, Administrator Chad Ordway, and Fiscal Officer Heidi Bidwell.
All large trash pickup will be April 7th, with everything needing to be put out by 7 a.m., with items being placed no more than a week in advance. A list of acceptable items is posted online and in the village offices.
Police Chief Tom Szymczak shared that the Bryan Department is looking at purchasing a new county intoxilyzer, with each municipality putting towards the final cost.
Council approved a contribution of $1,000, before it was shared that the Stryker department will see a CPR training, a less lethal course, and AED demonstration happening at the senior center.
Councilor Loughborough shared that a school resource officer (SRO) for the school has been looked into, with it being shared that both the village and county departments have the capability to hire the SRO.
Funding for the position has been ascertained by the district, with everything still in the planning process.
Moving forward, council would like to see residents share their opinions on the necessity of an SRO, with it being shared that Edon is the only school district in the county that does not have an SRO.
The Park Board shared that the bricks for the memorial wall have been engraved, with installment being looked into. Sidewalks are being looked at to be redone, and grant funding is being looked at for the village.
The softball games have been looked at for scheduling, and parking issues were brought up along Bunny Lane for ball games.
The cemeteries have experienced some runoff issues from old tiles flooding graves, with a solution of a new tile and gravel being put in. May 1st will see the cemeteries fixed up for the season.
Administrator Ordway shared that the Summit Street walk path has been revised at the landowners request, with the right of way permits for Franklin and Bailee Streets getting completed. Cyber security for the water plant was brought up, and firewall status was looked into.
Mayor Thiel shared that he would recommend the lot by the football field for overflow parking, with signs placed along one side of Bunny Lane prohibiting parking on the west side.
A motion was approved to make the west side no parking, with signs being looked into for both that and the replacement of two no turn around signs.
Letters were approved to be sent out to the Summer Ball program and affected residents, with official legislation being drawn up for the next meeting.
Resolution 01-2024, which approved the county-wide Next Generation 911 plan, was then approved after a suspension of the rules before councilor Loughborough shared that he would like committee meetings to be posted on the administration building sign, and that the chairs in the council chambers should be looked at for replacement.
Administrator Ordway was set on solving the issue of replacement chairs before the Edon Village Council voted to enter into executive session at 7:38 p.m.