PRESENTING TO BOARD … Principal Andrew Morr presents “When We Grow Up” to the North Central Board of Education. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The North Central Board of Education held their April 18, 2023 meeting at 6 p.m. Present were board members Anthony Burnett, Katie Burt, Chuck Haynes, Tim Livengood, and Shane Martin.
Also present were Superintendent Bute, Treasurer Eric Smeltzer, K-6 Principal Andrew Morr, 7-12 Principal Gregory Puthoff, and Athletic Director Michael Babin.
After the minutes of the March 14, 2023 work session and regular meeting were approved, the Board thanked Nickloy’s Fix & Fab, the American Legion Post #307, the PASRA, and the NCLS for their donations to the school, which were later accepted in the treasurer’s report, along with additional appropriations.
The superintendent thanked the community for showing up to the April 3 meeting and recapped their culture playbook goals. Graduation will be May 28, 2023 at 2 p.m.
Mr. Bute then detailed his meeting with the WCPA (Williams County Port Authority) and what their current goals are.
The WCPA met with North Central to relate that they would like to offer tax abatements to those who purchase properties they have developed.
The Board discussed how, unlike other schools, they do not have an income tax levy. This means that they do not have a way to increase profits without property taxes, whereas many other locations offering these abatements would still see their schools contributed to through the income tax levy on the new residents.
All of the superintendent’s employment recommendations were approved by the Board, as was the consent agenda approving this year’s graduates.
Principal Morr then spoke about the recent efforts that have been made to train all K-3 personnel in dyslexia in order to be prepared for new compliance regulations.
He thanked the Board for allowing them to allocate professional development days to achieve this goal.
Students raised $6,867.07 for Heart Challenge and have raised over $136,000 since 1995. Mr. Morr gave extra thanks to the Carpenter family, as they alone have contributed just under $3,000 to the effort over the years.
Morr then shared two student-made books entitled “When We Grow Up” with the Board. 37 students are already signed up for kindergarten screening, and Morr thanked Bombas for their donation of socks, which were allocated to students and gifted to the track team.
May 4 will see the elementary Spring concert, and a new phonics program has been selected to ensure compatibility with the new dyslexia screening program.
Puthoff then shared that the high school will see two foreign exchange students next year, who will both be placed with the junior class. Students are hard at work preparing for state tests, and faculty are as well.
Upcoming dates are: April 28 and 29 at 8 p.m., April 30 at 3 will feature showings of the high school musical; May 5 at 1:15 p.m. will see an evacuation drill; May 6-7 is set for prom and after-prom; Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8 – 12; May 22, the Auditeria will host the Honors & Award Banquet at 6 p.m; May 23 at 9 a.m. will see a ceremony for Four County Senior Recognition; Junior High Homework Incentive ends May 24, and Baccalaureate Services will be held May 24 in the audeteria at 7 p.m; May 25 is the last day of school for students; There will be a teacher workday May 26; May 28, the high school gym will see the graduation of the Class of 2023 at 8 p.m.
Babin thanked the maintenance staff for preparing the grounds for spring, and the Board expressed special thanks to Transportation / Maintenance Director Eric Moreland for being exceedingly helpful in solidifying the semantics of necessities for a successful end to the 2023 school year.
Having no reason to enter executive session, the North Central Board of Education carried a motion to adjourn at 6:48 p.m., with the next meeting being scheduled for May 16, 2023 at 6 p.m. in the auditeria.
Anna can be reached at