The North Central Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, January 9th at 6:10 p.m. The board first heard a brief update regarding Mort, the school facility dog.
He is the schools’ dog and is owned by the school. At night he stays with Mrs. Renfer to rest.
Mort has been loved and appreciated by all and there have been many great comments about Mort from the students, staff and community.
The board then moved to hear items from individual board members. Mrs. Burt mentioned law enforcement appreciation and thanked Mr. Livengood and Mr. Snively for their service to the school and all they do.
Introduction of the guests took place next followed by the treasurer’s report. The following items were approved as part of the report.
The minutes from the December 20th meeting, financial statements and investments from December, and appropriation additions.
The superintendent’s report followed after with the following items being discussed.
Board recognition month where each of the members were given certificates for their years of service.
Also touched on was the culture/playbook discussion, a calendar discussion, and the date for a work session.
The next work session will be held on Tuesday, February 21st, at 5:00 p.m. in the Eagle Room.
The next meeting will also be held on Tuesday, February 21st, but will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Auditeria.
Administrative reports were then delivered by school principals before moving on to hear a list of recommendations from the superintendent.
The following recommendations were approved by the board. A proclamation to set January 2023 as School Board Recognition Month in the North Central Local Schools District.
A motion to approve a North Central softball trip to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee during the month of March.
A motion to approve the administrative contract of Gregory Puthoff, JH/HS Principal, for a one-year contract beginning August 1st, 2023, through July 31st, 2024.

Consent agenda items were discussed next with employment items being approved as well as the annual membership to the Ohio School Boards Association for 2023 being approved.
The board then entered into executive session at 6:52 p.m. Upon their return at 7:30 p.m. the board moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.