VETERANS Local area Veterans came to enjoy a meal prepared in their honor at the Northwest State Community Colleges Veterans Day Luncheon
By: Jacob Kessler
The Northwest State Community College held a Veterans Day Luncheon on Thursday, November 9th. The luncheon was held in the college’s auditorium from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The event was free and open to community members, veterans or not.
Northwest State Community College President Dr. Todd Hernandez, who is also a veteran, explained that the event was open to all community members, so everyone had the chance to come and honor our veterans.

“This is our second year doing everything this way. It used to be a much smaller event that encompassed our school and staff members. We wanted to hold a community event though, and with this being such a great college, it was good to get people on campus.”
“We are meant to be a resource for our community, and we felt it was appropriate to open the event to the community so anyone who wants to can honor our veterans.”

The luncheon featured a meal, Color Guard presentation, prayer, music by Kerry Patrick Clark, and keynote speech given by U.S. Air Force Sergeant Stephen Wing. Acknowledgment was also given for a place setting for POW-MIA (Prisoners of War – Missing In Action).
As visitors entered the room, a small table was present on the stage and was set for one. This was done in order to symbolize the fact that members of our armed forces are missing from our midst.