This year, the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission has a budget of about $226 million for capital improvement projects across the 241-mile toll road.
This includes nearly $203 million for projects beginning in 2023 and for completing prior year projects.
About $23 million remains in uncommitted funds for unforeseen additional expenditures in 2023 and for projects in 2024.
More than $129 million is earmarked for expenditures on current and future roadway and bridge projects, which includes $77 million in new roadway and bridge projects.
The new projects include work on four overhead bridges in Fulton County (Township Road 3, Township Road 12-1, Township Road 17, and Township Road 22); a ramp bridge (Toll Plaza 145) and an overhead bridge (Race Road) in Lorain County; an overhead bridge (Stearns Road) in Cuyahoga County; two mainline bridges (milepost 176.9 over the Cuyahoga River and milepost 185.6 over Tinkers Creek) in Summit County; a mainline resurfacing project in Williams and Fulton counties from milepost 14 to milepost 27; and interchange resurfacing projects at Toll Plaza 34 in Fulton County and Toll Plaza 118 in Erie County.
In addition, the planned 2023 capital expenditures include the continuation of our toll collection system (TCS) modernization program, which is expected to be completed by the third quarter of 2023, barring any delays.
More than $36 million is earmarked for TCS related projects, including the TCS integrator, customer service center, pavement projects, toll plaza projects, and weigh-in motion system projects.