By: Rebecca Miller
During the first two weeks of September with Labor Day on the first Monday, the Fulton County Commissioners, who meet on Tuesday and Thursday each week, chose to cancel their session on Thursday, September 9, 2021.
During the Thursday, September 2, 2021 meeting they voted to approve the minutes from August 31, the agenda for the meeting, purchase orders and travel requests.
Items which they reviewed included: Weekly Dog Warden Reports for periods ending August 7, 14,21 and 28; Month End Financial Reports; Sales Tax Report; Ohio Unemployment Rate Report for July 2021; Fulton County Sheriff’s Annual Report of all fines and costs collected; and the Fulton County Prosecutor’s Annual Report on Criminal cases handled in Common Pleas Court.
On Tuesday, September 7, 2021 they voted to approve the minutes for the September 2 meeting; agenda as presented; payment of bills; purchase orders and travel requests; and increase and transfer of appropriations for various departments. Also approved were:
-Resolution 642 Increase and transfer funds for Postage Reimbursement
-Resolution 643 Award FY2020CDBG Coronavirus Program for Fulton County Senior Center Vehicle Purchase
-Resolution 644 Notice to proceed for FY 2020 CDBG- Coronavirus Program for Fulton County Senior Center Vehicle Purchase
-Resolution 645 Enter into Purchase Contract 2021-88 with Dave White Chevrolet for 2020 CDBG Coronavirus Program – FC Senior Center Vehicle Purchase
-Resolution 646 Approve PRC Plan for FC JFS
-Resolutions 647 & 648 Accept resignation of JFS Employee and Authorize Ad for Employment Opportunity
With no other business, than to announce there would be no commissioners session on September 9, the meeting was adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at