By: Amy Wendt
The Pettisville Local School’s Board of Education met on Monday, July 8 for its regular July meeting with Brent Hoylman, Scott Rupp, Justin Rufenacht, and Pam Skates present while member Barry Hoylman was absent.
In personnel matters, the board approved Jenae Lammers and Sarah Hastings to serve as volunteer volleyball coaches, and Steve Hastings was appointed to serve as a volunteer coach for the golf team.
Stephanie Hamilton was added to the staff roster as a paraprofessional for 2024-2025. Addressing a late addition to the agenda, the Board approved the Elementary and Junior High/High School handbooks for the upcoming school year.
Also as a part of its consent agenda, the Board approved the June 2024 meeting minutes, accepted the treasurer’s financial reports, and authorized payment of bills.
After hearing the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Chris Lee, the Board approved an advance to the Athletic Fund in the amount of $22,197.26 and also an advance to the Summer Rec Fund for $3,364.06.
In his report to the Board, Superintendent Josh Clark requested that an Honorary Graduate Diploma be awarded to Arvada Maye Shantz from the Pettisville Class of 1949 and his request was approved.
At 8:17, the Board entered into executive session to discuss “the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against an employee, official, licensee, or student, unless the employee, official, licensee or student requests a public hearing.” The Board came out of the exec session at 9:34 p.m.
According to Superintendent Clark, no action was taken as a result of the behind closed doors meeting.
Pettisville Board of Education will next convene on August 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the school conference room.