PETTISVILLE FFA IMS … Pettisville FFA members prepare to kiss the bricks at Indianapolis Motor Speedway during the tour of the facility and museum. Left to right are Lily Wiemken, Mina Wesche, Olivia Beck, Ava Genter, Leah Beck, Morgan Blosser, Jayden Bleikamp, Ben Boger and Karter Zachrich.
By: Karter Zachrich, FFA Reporter
On Wednesday Oct 26, 2022 11 FFA members traveled to National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The group went to the opening session of the 95th National Convention and Expo.
After the session we walked around at the expo/career show. Members worked on assignments to visit a few colleges and businesses to see what careers are currently being offered the most.
On Thursday, the FFA members went to different student workshops to learn about advocacy and personal growth.
After the workshops, FFA members worked their way around the Expo some more. After the Expo the group went to the night session where we watched Delana Damman receive her award.
There were two National Agri Science Finalists in our FFA group of FFA members, Delana Damman, and Ella Richer. Damman was a National Finalist in the area of Food Systems.
Delana’s project was the comparison of protein, solids and fats in goat and cow milk. She placed 4th in division three.
Ella was a National Finalist in the area of Plant systems. Ella’s project was about the effects of growing cereal rye with annual rye grass as a cover crop.
Friday, we went to the morning session to watch Ella receive her 3rd place award.
After the session the group toured the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where we had a trip around the track.
The tour stopped at the famous bricks on the speedway and a few members kissed the bricks.
Even though Andrew Hulbert and Grace Schnitkey were not at convention they were still recognized with earning the American FFA Degree.
On Saturday the group toured DeBrand Chocolate Company in Fort Wayne.
Since convention, members have made career signs and sayings to help show what they learned. Also, articles were written to share with the donors that helped pay for the trip.
November brought activities like wrapping up fall sales, the Job Interview Career Development Event and Toys for Cheer.
The chapter will place the final order for several products by the end of November. Kelly Wyse, a senior in her first year in FFA, won the Fulton County and District 1 FFA Job Interview contest and placed 3rd in the state in Division 5 – for first year juniors and seniors.
The officers also competed in the Fulton County Parliamentary Procedure contest, placing 4th.
On Friday, November 18th, seven members joined members from all the Fulton County chapters to gather toys and money for the Toys for Cheer part of Christmas Cheer.