RESIGNATION… Member of the Pike-Delta-York School Board stood to take a picture with Superintendent Dr. Ted Haselman who just had his resignation approved. Names provided left to right. CFO/Treasurer Matt Feasel, Jenna Holzhauer, Kelly Valentine, Superintendent Dr. Ted Haselman, Dan Elliott, Jeremy Lohman, and Alice Simon. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER / THE VILLAGE REPORTER)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Delta Board of education held their meeting on Wednesday, May 17th. The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and approval of the minutes from the previous meeting.
Correspondence took place next with two thankyou cards being passed around from staff members. Guests were then called up, with the first ones invited being the school’s students of the month.
The students of the month for May are Gavin Mapes of the Elementary School, Noah Banks of the Middle School and Mitchell Cousino of the High School. Recognition also took place for students who are earning their State FFA Degrees.
These students are Rylan Andrews, Anthony Pelton, Holden Barnes, Luke Schlatter, Brennan Bronson, Brody Waugh, and Kendra Ehrsam.
Amy Bostwick then spoke and gave a thank you to the board and administration members for her time at the school. She also stated that she wanted to say thank you for all the support they have given to the band, herself, and all of the other programs the kids have been interested in. Scott Tenney spoke next and thanked Dr. Haselman for his eight years of service to the district.
The financial reports were then given to the board with it being stated all of the numbers are coming up closer to what was projected than anticipated.
A run down for the month of April was given to the board as well as an update for the five-year-forecast.
The superintendent’s report came next with numerous personnel items being listed. Those items were approved along with the following additional items. A memorandum of understanding with Bowling Green State University to place BGSU methods students and student teachers at Pike-Delta-York.
Seniors for graduation in 2023 pending their completion of graduation requirements and a recommendation to approve Malorie Winkler as a homebound aide for a student with special needs.
A non-renewal of supplemental contracts took place next before moving to discuss and approve a Delta Public Library Levy Request.
It was recommended to approve a resolution, submitting to the electors of the school district the question of a renewal 1.25 Mil tax levy for the purpose of current expenses. A renewal agreement was also given the go ahead with Power4Schools for power delivery.
Superintendent Dr. Ted Haselman next handed his letter of resignation to each of the board members. Looks of emotion could be seen on the faces of several school board members as Mr. Haselman read the following from his resignation letter.
“It is with mixed emotions I write this letter to express my intent to resign my position as the Pike-Delta-York Local School District Superintendent.”

“The last eight years have been very rewarding, and I remain humbled the Pike-Delta-York Board of Education entrusted me with the privilege to lead this district.”
“I truly have enjoyed the opportunity to lead PDY and will always be grateful for this professional experience. I believe we, together, have made positive change for the betterment of our students and community as a whole.”
“With these sentiments and more, I write now to express my intent to resign my position as Superintendent effective July 31, 2023, as I have accepted the same role at Bowling Green City Schools in Bowling Green, Ohio, beginning August 1, 2023.”
“I am extremely excited to begin this next chapter in my professional career, but sad to leave a place I have grown to love over these past eight years. I want to thank the students, staff, administrative team, Board of Education members, and the entire community of the Pike-Delta-York Local School District for allowing me to be a small piece in the District’s successes during my tenure. Thank you.”
The resignation was approved by the board. Building reports were given next by building administrators.
Following those reports, the board moved to enter into executive session at 7:39 p.m. Upon their return, the meeting was adjourned.

Jacob can be reached at