I am thankful for the amazing support of my family & friends that have walked an 2 3/4 year cancer journey with me. I am also blessed to be cancer free for 13 months now, allowing me to experience wonderful times with my husband, children, grandchildren, and faithful fur friend. ♥ God is good indeed! ~Amy Yates of Swanton
I am thankful for my family. I am most thankful to know Jesus as my savior. I am on a wonderful vacation here but my Eternal home is with Jesus. ~Judy Haerens
I am blessed with an understanding God whom forgives and has been my strength through 2020. I experienced COVID and now have asthma as a permanent side effect. I’m grateful that is the only symptom left. My 81 year mom and 2 year granddaughter along with other family members are all recovered. I have much to be thankful for. We were able to open our home to adult children during COVID and job loss. We are able to take care of grandchildren during COVID. And although times are very hard we manage to put food on the table daily. May we all be blessed. ~Robin Malone
I’m thankful my good health, and my family. ~Mary Green
I am so thankful for family and friends, a wonderful wife and kids, great Church and Pastor, and a community you can feel blessed to live in!! Couldn’t ask for anything better!! ~Marty Potts
I am so thankful for the family that I’m came from we’re not perfect we all make mistakes. We are very loving I’m watch out for one another. I am also very thankful for my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren. God is really blessed me with everything that I have. ~Patricia Haskill
I am thankful for my wonderful family. God has blessed me with my wonderful hubby, Rob Riddle. Our three sons Nick Beltz (Jessica Beltz) who also gave us our perfect granddaughter, Princess Sophia Beltz, Eric Beltz (Audri Loyd) and Tyler Ridder. Rob and I are thankful we both have our parents and our extended family. We have been blessed with a wonderful home, and he has a great job. God has provided all we need. Despite these trying times we are growing stronger together. ~Jennifer Headley-Riddle
First, my wonderful wife, and her loving care. Secondly, our wonderful blended families, her 5 kids, and my 6. But most of all my Lord Jesus Christ, and my salvation He purchased, and led us to First Baptist Church of Holgate, OH. Life is good at 77 years old, blessings galore. ~Joe Bohner
I am thankful for the slower pace and additional quality time with my immediate family that 2020 has given me. I’ve learned that we were all way too busy! ~Chrissy Stuckey
I am thankful for my new/old rescued dog, Bess. We saved her from a bad situation in August. She is recovering from ACL surgery due to the previous owner kicking her. She traveled from Virginia to join our family. Bess is seven years old and a great dog! ~Becky of Pioneer
I’m thankful for mine and my family’s health and love during these crazy times. ~Desiree of Montpelier
I am thankful for my awesome job at Parkview physicians group where I am able to do what I love every day and get to meet all kinds of different people in our community. I am most thankful for my amazing family and friends. ~Samantha Borton

Because I was laid off for 8 weeks at the beginning of COVID19, I remembered how much I enjoyed being home and accomplishing small things around the house that don’t cost anything or much at all. An opportunity to retire permanently and babysit my granddaughters and some others was just the ticket. I don’t have money anymore to eat out whenever we want, and purchase things on a whim, but it is worth it to take care of these little ones and show them, money isn’t everything. ~Alice Simon of Delta
In this year of seemingly constant upheaval I am greatful that God never changes. I am thankful for three adorable grandkids who always make me smile even on dark days as well as every member of our family and friends. I am thankful for extensions to life beyond doctors prognosis giving us more time with beloved ones before they are promoted to heaven. I am thankful for twinkling eyes above the masks and little courtesies people do for each other along the way. I am thankful for love which is the light leading us through this valley. ~Carol Church of Hamilton, Indiana
I am thankful for my first great grandson who was born in July. ~Becky
I’m thankful for so much, this year, we are careful and we have our health. Thank you to the researchers, experts and health care field for their advice. ~Jackie Geimer
Yes He Happy Thanksgiving to All.God Bless.Get Over It.Now we all have new Pres Elect&New VP.Had 4 years of nothing and nothing but total Mouth.God Bless All. ~Ed Thomas
I’m thankful for my daughter and son and my 5 grandchildren who are all healthy..my brother and 4 nephew’s and friends God Bless Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. ~Lisa Heyob

I am so thankful Brian Bradbee NP found my husbands reason for his shortness of breath. He is receiving a new mechanical heart valve today, Nov 19th. God is good!!! ~Anne Boyd Knecht
I am also thankful for my son bringing water supply and I am thankful for my daughter bring me groceries. ~Mary Ann Braun
Love Brian Bradbee NP. ~Anne Bok
My God, my family, my church family! ~Carolyn Sue Michael
Family members and friends. ~Bonnie Kelbaugh Hyter
My good life and family. ~Barbara Preston