REPORTS Board members listen as they hear reports from the treasurerCFO and principals
By: Renea Kessler
Stryker Local School District held their board of education meeting on Monday, November 20th. The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance.
In the first order of business, the board approved the agenda for the November 20th meeting. The board then approved the meeting minutes from the previous meeting held on October 23rd.
The board then approved the financial report for October 2023. Treasurer/CFO Jill Peters reported on the general fund activity as well as several donations that were given to the school for the month; Steve Myers donated a freezer valued at $500.00 to Stryker’s FFA, an anonymous donation of $1,495.00 to the Stryker Junior Class Fund, Mathers Trucking LLC donated $1,000 to Stryker FFA and Williams County Dairy Association donated $500 to Stryker FFA.
Next, the superintendent heard principal reports. The elementary principal congratulated the quiz bowl team for being Williams County Runner-ups and then talked about several important dates coming up.
The JH/HS Principal congratulated the varsity quiz bowl for being Williams County 4th place and the JV for being county champs and then talked about several important dates coming up.
The superintendent then recommended, and the board approved several supplemental contracts and volunteers for the 2023-2024 school year.
Before motioning to adjourn, the board changed the time of their next scheduled meeting to 4 p.m. on December 18th. The board then adjourned at 5:42 p.m.