OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS Stryker Superintendent Nate Johnson announced that Stryker students can get in free to NASCARs Michigan International when accompanied by an adult The NASCAR event will take place on August 6
By: Daniel Cooley
The Stryker School Board meeting, held on July 18, began with roll call, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
All five council members, Sharon vonSeggern, Jason Leupp, Brent Froelich, Dan Hughes and Emily Clemons, were in attendance.
In the first order of business, the school board approved the agenda for the July 18 meeting, followed by approval of the previous meeting, held on June 27.
Next, the board approved of the treasurer/CFO financial report from treasurer Jill Peters. The general fund cash balance for June was $9,048,810.19. Total revenue was $329,446.70 and total expenses were $628, 833.83.
The school board also approved of the following three items, as recommended by treasurer/CFO Peters: the then and now certificate to Huntington Bank in the amount of $53,250 for the interest payment on Series A & B Bonds; the amended certificate of estimated resources; plus the transfer of funds, $50,000 from the general fund to the athletic fund and $30,000 from the general fund to the cafeteria fund.
The board then approved of the superintendent’s personnel recommendations, for volunteer junior high football coach Logan Liechty and the resignations of route transportation drivers Bob Davis and Gary Stuckey.
Next, the board approved the 2023-26 contract with the Stryker Education Association and the 2023-26 Classified Staff schedule.
Superintendent Nate Johnson then announced that kindergarten through 12th grade students can get into the NASCAR race at Michigan International Speedway for free, when accompanied by an adult.
An adult ticket to accompany the students is $40, which is much cheaper than the normal adult ticket, of $90.
In addition, if Stryker ends up having the largest student crowd for the August 6 event, the school will receive a $500 donation. Johnson said that he will advertise the NASCAR event on social media and Facebook.
The superintendent appointed committees for 2023 were then announced. The buildings/grounds/transportation team will be Leupp and Froelich and Hughes will serve as an alternate.
The curriculum/technology/policy committee will be made up of vonSeggern and Hughes and Brent Froelich will serve as an alternate.
The finance committee will consist of Clemons and vonSeggern and Leupp will serve as an alternate. The special committee will consist of Jason Leupp and Hughes and Clemons will serve as an alternate.
The board then voted to adjourn the meeting.
The next scheduled board of education meeting will take place on August 21 at 5:30 p.m.
Dan can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com