MARENO Taryn Mareno speaks to the crowd of people who came out to show their respect during the Lyons Memorial Day Observance VIEW 119 PHOTOS OF THIS CONTEST FOR FREE AT WWWTHEVILLAGEREPORTERCOM
By: Jacob Kessler
Those who gave everything were remembered this past week in Fulton County. Memorial Day events took place throughout the county on Monday, May 27th.
A large number of residents took time out of their day to come and pay homage to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
When the call was made, it was those men and women we honor each and every year who answered the call.
It was those men and women who knew just what our country meant, what it stood for, and what would happen if the call went unanswered. Sacrifices were made by these brave men and women so that others could live without strife.
It was that sacrifice, honor, and duty that everyone stood for. That everyone placed their hand over their heart for as the flag came up the street. It wasn’t the candy thrown, or the decorations.
It was purely out of respect and admiration for those who gave us the opportunity to stand and respect their sacrifice, and those same brave souls continued to watch over us as we stood for them.
This yearly tribute took place once again throughout the county. Parades were observed throughout the different cities of Fulton County with some services being held after. Each parade saw veterans leading the parade, moving left right left down the street carrying our flag.
In Lyons, this duty was performed by the AMVETS Post 7574 out of Metamora. The Evergreen Marching Band followed behind along with the Metamora Boy Scout Troop and local Fire Departments.
Everyone then met at the Lyons Cemetery for a short service. There Heather Schimmel from the Lyons Christian Church led everyone in a prayer, before hearing from speaker Taryn Mareno.
Taryn spoke about the memories she has of her grandfather, Bob Donahue, as he led the flag. “His call was left, left, left right left.”
“As a child, I couldn’t begin to grasp what Memorial Day was, or what that march meant. He called left, left, left right left, for soldiers who sign up to give the ultimate sacrifice. Who show up on the front lines with courage and without trepidation, ready to defend our freedom.”
Later on, in the speech Mareno continued, “As we walk away today our feet will go left, left, left right left, so take time to reflect and honor and share gratitude for those we lost, our current soldiers, and our veterans.”
“Honor the sacrifices that were paid and blood that was shed to protect our country, to protect our sons and daughters and their futures to come.”