(PRESS RELEASE) – The Northwestern Ohio Volunteer Fireman’s Association annual Regional Fire School will be March 9 & 10, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Penta Career Center, 9301 Buck Rd, Perrysburg, OH 43551.
Over 1,300 first responders from Ohio and Michigan regularly attend the Regional Fire School. Some of the classes available to first responders include medical emergencies, agricultural emergencies, fire & explosions, illegal drug interventions with first responders, firefighter safety classes, disaster response, and numerous outside hands-on trainings.
For the second year in a row, we are proud to partner with the N.W. Ohio Local Emergency Planning Committees and Emergency Management Agencies to bring hazardous materials training to our first responders.
We are proud to announce that this year we are also partnering with the Ohio Youth Fire & EMS Training Academy to bring fire/EMS education and training opportunities to youth explorer programs across Ohio on Saturday.
Many vendors also participate in the school to show first responders the latest tools and equipment available.
This is a great opportunity for our local first responders to increase their skills and learn the latest information for their safety and the safety of the public.
This school is FREE to first responders and youth fire/EMS explorer programs. We invite you to cover this important training opportunity so people in your community know the commitment of their local first responders to keep their skills and knowledge at the highest levels.
For more information on the annual school, visit www.novfafireschool.org . To schedule an interview, please contact Fire School Chairman Jeff Orphal (419-461-1733 jorphal@gmail.com) or Fire School Information Officer Brad Gilbert (419-276-9135 emadirector87@outlook.com) or look for either of us when at the fire school.