ROTARY … This picture shows a preliminary concept of two Pods the Wauseon Rotary is planning to purchase. These are preliminary and may change. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, February 20th. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance which was followed up with a moment of silence.
Minutes from the previous meeting were then approved before moving on to hear reports from department heads.
Keith Torbet spoke first and explained to council that a large water main break had occurred on Burr Road.
The break was big enough to the point that 2,000 gallons of water were being lost per minute. Mr. Torbet expressed his appreciation to the staff members who assisted with the break.
Tom McWatters then spoke and updated council regarding a recent Board of Zoning and Appeals meeting.
McWatters stated that it was well attended and that everyone had a chance to voice their opinion. Ultimately the board voted to uphold the city’s position.
Moving on to committee reports, Councilor Harold Stickley spoke about a previous Park Board meeting.
Stickley explained that the first topic discussed was the Native Grassland project Laura Kamp is wanting to pursue at Homecoming Park.
The committee discussed the concerns had regarding the Native Grasslands conflicting with the Wauseon High School cross country team’s route, with the conclusion being that there would be no conflict.
Sarah Heising brought up a concern regarding cross country spectators at the event. She brought up the fact that the spectators like to follow the runners and that they could possibly harm the grass.
McWatters agreed and stated that it will need to be considered when planting the grasslands.
Councilor Stickley then brought up the second topic discussed at the Park Board meeting.
The baseball fields at Biddle Park were retiled last year, and different options are available to reseed the diamonds.
The two options are to either have Public Works employees reseed it or to hire an outside business to do the job.
The cost of having an outside business do the work is significantly higher than the city doing the job itself.
Torbet explained that either way the city goes, the job will be taken care of. The next topic of discussion from the meeting was in regard to Rotary, which is working on improving parks in the city.
Rotary will start with North Park, where all of the equipment, besides the swing set, will be removed and replaced. Rotary would also like to place a park near the pavilion at Homecoming Park.
Stickley also stated that the Rotary is looking into a rubberized mulch for the park. This is a project that the Rotary, the city, and the Park Board will continue to work on.
The council then moved to allow Laura Kamp to oversee and make decisions regarding the Native Grasslands Project at Homecoming Park.
Council then moved to approve the following legislative actions. The first reading for Ordinance 2023-1 increasing the pay scale for members of council of the City of Wauseon; and declaring an emergency.
Council members and Law Director McWatters discussed the fact that the legislation did not include a pay scale increase for the council president.
Council members moved to perform a verbal amendment with McWatters following up with revised legislation.
Approved next was the first reading for Ordinance 2023-2 increasing the pay scale for the mayor of the City of Wauseon; and declaring an emergency.
The second reading for Resolution 2023-2 authorizing the mayor to enter into an LPA Federal Local-Let project agreement for installation of a pedestrian hybrid beacon at the Wabash Cannonball Trail Crossing on North Shoop Avenue.
Following legislative actions, council members moved to thank the Rotary for their help in rehabilitating the city’s parks.
Stickley then mentioned that the Taste of Wauseon Gala had a great turnout.
A motion was then made and approved to pay the bills as presented before council moved to adjourn at 5:35 p.m.
Jacob can be reached at