SWEARING IN … Patrol Officer Jordan Furko and Sergeant Michael Oehlers observed the oath of office during the Wauseon council meeting held on Monday, March 6th. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, March 6th. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved before Police Chief Kevin Chittenden read the oath of office for Sergeant Michael Oehlers and Patrol Officer Jordan Furko.
Fire Chief Phil Kessler then proceeded to give a report regarding the department. He stated that public works fixed the drains in the bay areas and that the Fireman’s Association Dinner was well attended.
Police Chief Chittenden then gave his report. He explained that a motion under new business, the JAG Grant, is for the purchase of new radios in the cars. In 2025 there will be a new standard for the radios which will be required and will need to be updated.
Public Service Director Keith Torbet then gave an update for his department, and explained that three employees were leaving the department.
There will be a vacancy at the water plant and two vacancies within public works. The sanitary sewer project on Fulton Street and Ottokee Street has been completed and sixty feet of water line has been put in on Burr Road.
Finance Director Jamie Giguere then gave a report for her department, explaining that she has been working with the new payroll vendor and plans to start using them on April 28th, 2023.
She also told council that the HR/Payroll Clerk position has not yet been filled, and it will be brought up under new business. Council then moved to approve the following legislative actions.
The second reading of Resolution 2023-4: a resolution authorizing the mayor to advertise for bids for street resurfacing; authorizing the mayor to accept the lowest and best bid; and authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder; and declaring an emergency.
The third reading of Resolution 2023-2: a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into an LPA federal local-let project agreement for installation of a pedestrian hybrid beacon at the Wabash Cannonball Trail crossing on North Shoop Avenue; and declaring an emergency.
Moving to new business, Mayor Kathy Huner gave a summary of the 2022 annual report. Some of the completed projects were highlighted during the year of 2022 and issues facing departments were discussed.
Employment changes took place during the year due to retirement, promotions, and new hires. The police department reported the domestic violence calls decreased by 18% in 2022.
The finance director has reported that the city’s financial position was up $518,520, the Zoning Department has issued 73 zoning permits and the Wauseon Fire Department responded to 1,746 calls in 2022.
Council next moved to approve the JAG motion moved by council. Giguere then brought up the vacant HR/Payroll Clerk position.

She explained to council that, for the time being, the best option would be to hire a temporary service, then move forward with the Personnel Committee to make the position full-time or part-time.
Council agreed and gave approval to move forward. Council then moved to approve the payment of presented bills before then moving to adjourn at 5:28 p.m.