REZONING The former location of Elm Street School at the corner of Shoop Avenue and Elm Street was the topic of a public hearing Potential buyers of the property are asking for it to be rezoned for the construction of a Quonset Hut
After the usual business at the start of the September 18, 2023 Wauseon City Council meeting, a public hearing was held concerning the rezoning of the Old Elm Street School property from an R-3 to a B-4.
Multiple members of the public were there to address the potential property purchasers.
The potential buyers of the property are looking to build a Quonset Hut to place their chiropractic business in.
Within the structure they would also like to have a coffee shop. With the remainder of the property the potential owners would like to have a dog park and pickleball courts. Blueprints were presented to the public along with visuals of the Quonset hut.
Multiple residents expressed concerns including traffic, light pollution, and an overall dislike of the Quonset hut concept.
The zoning change request was asked to be put on emergency by the potential buyers. After listening to the many concerns from the public, council decided it would be best to take Ordinance 2023-3 off of emergency, to give themselves and the public more time to consider things.
Fire Chief Phil Kessler reported that the fair went well, they dealt with some heat related issues but they worked through that.
He also said he is working with Tom McWatters on contract issues and the EMS Levy is starting to be talked about. Kessler also reminded everyone that Fire Prevention month will be in October.
Police Chief Kevin Chittenden said they are receiving applications for the Lateral Transfer Police Officer position. They will be setting up interviews soon.
The entire department will be attending a stop stick training. He explained he has been working with Tom McWatters on potential golf cart restrictions, which will be discussed at the next Safety and Code meeting.
Director of Public Service Keith Torbet stated in his report that the first draft for the Becan Hybrid bid packet has been submitted to the state.
The Oak Street refinishing project bid will be put out in April 2024. The grant packages have been put in for the OPWC grants for Chestnut and Vine Street along with the Enterprise Avenue sanitary sewer.
Councilor Steve Schnieder asked about the Chestnut house that has a lean. Torbet said they are waiting on the county prosecutor to get the paperwork done so the owners can sign it.
Director of Finance Jaime Giguere reported that the auditors are still working on the audit and she also mentioned that income tax revenue is up 30%.

Councilor Shane Chamberlin asked Giguere why she thinks things are going so well. She explained that some local businesses are doing well, so that positively affects the income tax revenue.
Councilor Harold Stickley asked for clarification on the COVID payments. Giguere clarified that there was a formula used to disperse the payments to employees.
Council President Scott Stiriz gave a report from the September 12, 2023, Park Board Meeting. The Park Board met at Homecoming Park to look at the pickleball courts and the new playground.
He stated that everything is looking great. The Native Grasslands may have to be replanted due to lack of rain after the initial planting.

Ordinance 2023-3: An ordinance amending Codified Ordinance Chapter 1117 – Establishment of Districts and Maps, and amending the official Zoning Map; and declaring an emergency.
With no legislation slated for second or third reading, council approved the paying of the bills as presented before adjourning.
The next Wauseon City Council meeting will be held October 2, 2023 at 5 p.m.